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Honey Filtration System UPH

€ 0,00

Honey filter - an effective solution for filtering honey from various inclusions and impurities at an industrial scale.

For more information, please contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Optionally the equipment provides the possibility of double parallel filtration of honey.

UPH honey filter separates honey from any large particles such as larvae, pieces of dead bees and wax which can affect the appearance of the honey or create an unpleasant taste or smell when storing it. Filters also remove glucose crystals, which serve as centers for crystallization and lead to accelerated saccharification of honey during storage.


  • Stainless steel design - suitable to be used in the food industry
  • The filter cartridges are changeable and long lasting
  • Universal application
  • Easy to maintain - the filter cartridges are easy to take out and cleaning them only takes a few minutes
  • Honey is supplied into the filter by a submersible pump
