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Generators and Heaters: Powering Precision in Food Processing

Generators and heaters are the unsung heroes of the food processing industry, providing the essential heat required for various processes that transform raw ingredients into culinary delights. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of generators and heaters, exploring their functions, types, and the vital role they play in ensuring efficient and consistent food production.

Essential Process of Heat Generation

The process of food production often involves precise temperature control. Generators and heaters are designed to supply the necessary heat for cooking, drying, pasteurizing, and other thermal processing steps. From steam generators to hot air heaters, these machines are at the heart of maintaining optimal temperatures for diverse food applications.

Key Functions of Generators and Heaters

  • Steam Generation: Steam generators play a central role in many food processing operations, providing controlled and consistent steam for cooking, sterilization, and blanching.
  • Hot Air Heating: Hot air heaters ensure uniform and efficient heat distribution for drying and roasting applications, preserving food quality.
  • Water Heating: Water heaters are used for tasks such as maintaining consistent water temperatures for washing, blanching, or cooking.
  • Indirect Heating: Indirect heating methods, such as hot oil heaters, are employed in applications where direct contact with heating elements might compromise product quality.

Types of Generators and Heaters

  1. Steam Generators: Offer precise control over steam production, vital for processes like steam blanching and sterilization.
  2. Hot Air Heaters: Utilized in drying, roasting, and baking, they ensure uniform heat distribution for even processing.
  3. Water Heaters: Essential for maintaining precise water temperatures in various processing stages.
  4. Hot Oil Heaters: Indirect heat transfer systems using hot oil are suitable for applications like frying and sautéing.

Applications Across Food Processing

Generators and heaters are integral to various food processing applications:

  • Baking Industry: Hot air heaters contribute to consistent baking results, ensuring products are uniformly browned and cooked.
  • Canning and Bottling: Steam generators aid in sterilization and maintaining aseptic conditions during canning and bottling.
  • Drying Processes: Hot air heaters efficiently remove moisture from food products, extending shelf life.
  • Cooking and Pasteurization: Water and steam generators play a crucial role in cooking, pasteurization, and blanching operations.

Partnering with FoodTechProcess for Reliable Heat Generation

FoodTechProcess offers a range of state-of-the-art generators and heaters tailored to the needs of the food processing industry. Our solutions are designed to provide precise heat control, energy efficiency, and consistent performance. By choosing FoodTechProcess, food manufacturers ensure their processes are powered by reliable and efficient heat generation systems.


A durable single gas stove serves a versatile purpose, suitable for heating cooking kettles.

Electric steam generator with capacity of 2*24.5 liters - meets PED standards - with double or single resistance.

Electric steam generator equipped with two boilers.


Electric steam generator with capacity of  57 liters - meets PED standards - with double or single resistance.

Electric steam generator with capacity of 24.5 liters - meets PED standards - with double or single resistance.


The generator is mounted on a stainless steel platform support, covered with stainless steel AISI 304 properly shaped with electrical and water connections already made. Stainless steel cocks AISI 316, malleable iron pipe fittings, feed water pump (mod. TP78A CALPEDA) with 1 stainless steel non-return valve, with VITON seal.

For additional information, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


The 5 kw stool-type electric heating stove with a diameter of 40 cm is designed to heat large pots and pans with a volume of up to 100 liters.

For additional information, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 5

Professional electric steam generator with a 25-liter water tank, fitted with an automatic pump. The power used in the heater is 20000W.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com


Electric heating panel with three different power possibilities: 12, 24 and 48 KW – excellent product manufactured by people who perfectly know the secret of product storage, maintenance and processing.

For more information please email sales@foodtechprocess.com


Vertical steam generators with horizontal pipes to occupy a compact area. Price on request. 

Steam generators

Out of stock

The device is designed for generating hot air by burning wood as well as other flammable materials.

For more information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

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