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Cutters: Precision in Ingredient Preparation for Culinary Excellence

Cutters stand as essential tools in the world of food processing, playing a crucial role in transforming raw ingredients into manageable forms for culinary creations. In this detailed exploration, we delve into the realm of cutters, their various types, and their indispensable contribution to achieving consistent and high-quality results in the food industry.

Types of Cutters

Cutters come in diverse variations, each designed to handle specific ingredients and achieve precise outcomes:

  • Bowl Cutters: Ideal for chopping, mixing, and emulsifying a wide range of ingredients, from vegetables to meat.
  • Vertical Cutters and Mixers: These machines finely mince, mix, and blend ingredients in vertical chambers.
  • Meat Cutters: Specifically crafted for processing meat, they offer different grinding sieve sizes for various textures.
  • Emulsifiers: Essential for producing smooth and uniform emulsions, these cutters enhance texture and consistency.
  • Vacuum Cutters: Incorporating vacuum technology, these cutters optimize cutting, mixing, and blending processes, ensuring superior quality and longer shelf life for your products.

Role in Food Preparation

Cutters streamline the ingredient preparation process, ensuring uniformity and precision in ingredient size. By achieving consistent cuts, they contribute to the even cooking of products, balanced flavor distribution, and appealing presentation.

Advantages of Using Cutters

  • Consistency: Uniformly cut ingredients result in uniform cooking and flavor distribution.
  • Time Efficiency: Cutters expedite preparation, reducing manual labor and saving time.
  • Texture Control: Different cutter types offer control over ingredient texture, from coarse to fine.
  • Versatility: Cutters can handle a wide range of ingredients, from vegetables to meats.

Applications Across the Culinary Industry

Cutters find applications in various culinary fields:

  • Restaurants: Precise ingredient preparation enhances the efficiency and consistency of kitchen operations.
  • Bakeries: Cutters aid in the preparation of dough and other baking ingredients.
  • Meat Processing: Meat grinders and cutters efficiently process meat for various products.
  • Food Manufacturing: Large-scale cutters are used in food manufacturing to achieve consistent ingredient sizes.

Elevating Culinary Creativity

At FoodTechProcess, we offer a diverse selection of cutting equipment to cater to different culinary needs. Our cutting solutions are designed to provide precision, reliability, and efficiency, ensuring that your ingredients are consistently prepared to perfection.

Kompleks urządzeń do produkcji majonezu składa się z kilku instalacji do automatycznego dozowania, mieszania i uzyskiwania stabilnej emulsji.

  • Kompaktowa konstrukcja zapewniająca wygodną i prostą obsługę na ograniczonej przestrzeni.
  • Ekonomiczne rozwiązanie do automatycznego dozowania bez ponoszenia wysokich kosztów automatyzacji.
  • Szeroka gama dodatkowych opcji modułowych.
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 13,5
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Multifunctional vacuum mixer/homogenizer for grinding, mixing, and homogenizing products to obtain homogeneous masses.

  • Built-in jacket for the bottom and walls of the unit.
  • Cutter knives with a powerful electric drive
  • Slanted design for efficient mixing and chopping
  • Forced circulation circuit (optional)
  • Wide range of options
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 350l/ 650l
  • Total power, kW: 13/ 17
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

This powder making machine is made out of stainless steel. All parts that are in contact with food are made out of food grade 304 stainless steel for health and safety reasons.

For additional information, contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

This 9L cutter is a robust and reliable device used for processing various foods.

Cutter Deluxe 9l

1 in stock

The cutter is designed for cutting into cubes, stripes or slices.

For more information, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

ProfiCut is an ideal solution for efficient and economical processing of dressings, sauces, baby food as well as spreads, paté and processed cheese with advanced processing techniques.

For more information, please, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Nowa konstrukcja uniwersalnego krajalnicy z mieszaniem grawitacyjnym służy do produkcji wyrobów gęstych i o konsystencji pasty. Przecinarka przeznaczona jest do przeprowadzania procesów takich jak cięcie, mieszanie, kruszenie i emulgowanie różnego rodzaju produktów do stanu ciekłego. Dzięki wbudowanemu powielaczowi może służyć również jako urządzenie do produkcji kremowo-miodowego lub kremowo-miodowego sufletu.

  • Noże tnące z mocnym napędem elektrycznym o mocy 11 kW
  • Ramowe urządzenie mieszające ze skrobakami z tworzywa fluoroplastycznego
  • Czujnik otwarcia klapy zapewniający bezpieczną konserwację
  • Klapka z pleksiglasu do kontroli wzrokowej
  • Powielacz wokół spodu i ścianek instalacji
  • Nachylona konstrukcja zapewniająca wydajne mielenie, homogenizację i odprowadzanie grubych i lepkich produktów
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 300l
  • Total power, kW: 12
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Atmospheric processing machine with a stainless steel design with and a 60 L processing bowl with a cutter (grinding knife)

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

Cutter FLK 60

1 in stock

Running of various production processes such as cutting, mixing, crushing, refining and emulsifying different types of product in a single unit.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

100 and 120 liter cutter mixers  have been designed for the food industry, pharmaceutical industry and test labs.

For more information or different capacities, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

This cutter  as an essential instrument in kitchens, prepares hummus, dressings, herb oils, aromatic butter, thickenings, mayonnaise, sauces, soups, desserts, pureés, pates and etc. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

The 20 Liter capacity bowl is optimally sized for the needs of busy cafeterias, hotels, and other professional kitchens. You can prepare purees, hummus, and process all kinds of organic material with ease using this floorstanding cutter. We offer different capacity cutters. For more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Cutter for french fries with automatic hopper. Approx. 25 kg of French fries 12mm per minute. Cutting blocks are ordered separately. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

Chocolate flaking machine for automatically differentiating two blocks of couverture each time. The flakes are collected in plastic baking for food. The machine comes with two plastic bins.

Manual cutter for cutting potions of fresh cured meats with interchangeable eccentrics to obtain different sausage lengths up to a maximum of 280 mm. Works with any type of casing.

For a price quote, please send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Atmospheric cutter mixer with capacity of 150l for medium size production of confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, ready meals, cheese, cream smoothie, vegetable puree. For more information, send us a request. 

The laboratory vacuum cutter mixer is designed for uniform grinding, emulsifying and mixing of food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, chemical mixtures, with the addition of oil, dyes, concentrates or liquid flavors.

The cutting machine is designed for slicing, shredding and grating fruits and vegetables.

For more information, please contact s at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Compact size vegetable/cabbage cutting machine, that is intended for vegetable shredding, slicing, grating and julienne stick cutting.

The price depends on the production capacity. 

Table-top compact chicken breast slicing machine. It can produce up to 300 kg of sliced chicken breasts per hour. 


Cutters are made entirely from stainless steel and are designed for mincing and mixing processes for refrigerated and frozen food. Prices on request. 


1 in stock

The vacuum cutter is intended for large processing enterprises dealing in the confectionery, fruit and vegetable processing industries. They are intended for processing food down to a homogenous mixture with minimal air content.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

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