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Zmodernizowaliśmy urządzenie mieszające w naszym kompaktowym czajniku kuchennym
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Z orzechów nerkowca i orzechów laskowych zrobiliśmy kremowe masło orzechowe przy użyciu młynka koloidalnego.
Testujemy nasz mikser Z SIGMA ARM
Przeprowadziliśmy nową serię testów mieszalnika Z SIGMA ARM do wyrabiania ciasta na pierogi.
Nasze kotły kuchenne cieszą się dużą popularnością
Do naszych klientów trafia coraz więcej kotłów kuchennych, które okazują się uniwersalnym rozwiązaniem o szerokim zastosowaniu, umożliwiającym gotowanie małych partii różnorodnych produktów...
Pneumatyczny system podawania do młynów i szlifierek
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Pokrywka z mieszadłem automatycznym do garnków ze stali nierdzewnej o średnicy 40 cm, odpowiednia dla pojemności 50 i 100 litrów. Mieszadło automatyczne umożliwia mieszanie i mieszanie różnych produktów, także podczas obróbki termicznej. Rodzaj urządzenia mieszającego można dodatkowo dobrać w zależności od wymaganego procesu.

  • Profesjonalny przemysłowy silnik jednofazowy na napięcie 220-230 V
  • Sterowanie znajduje się bezpośrednio na obudowie silnika lub na kablu napędowym
  • Łatwy i prosty montaż oraz mocowanie pokrywy na patelni
  • Pasuje do standardowych doniczek o średnicy 40 cm i pojemności 50 lub 100 litrów
  • Pokrywa i mieszadło wykonane są w całości ze stali nierdzewnej
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/ 0,25
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Voltage: 220-230V

Kompaktowy pasteryzator elektryczny o mocy grzewczej 5 kW służy do długotrwałej pasteryzacji okresowej mleka, która polega na doprowadzeniu mleka do temperatury około 63 stopni C i przetrzymaniu go przez 30 minut. Pasteryzator do mleka może być również stosowany w formie Kociołka do podgrzewania mleka do karmienia cieląt.

  • Mieszadło ze zgarniakami dolnymi, które zapobiegają przypalaniu się mleka podczas bezpośredniego podgrzewania
  • Wizualny monitoring temperatury pasteryzacji i podgrzewania mleka
  • Bezpośrednie ogrzewanie elektryczne za pomocą 7-stopniowego wyłącznika zasilania
  • Higieniczna konstrukcja zapewniająca proste i łatwe czyszczenie
  • Prosty system demontażu i podnoszenia pokrywy górnej z mieszadłem
  • Brak martwych punktów, w których mogą rozwijać się bakterie
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/ 0,25
  • Heating power, kW: 5
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 50l/ 100l
  • Wylot, cale : 6/4

Uniwersalne naczynie do mieszania, ubijania i mieszania dowolnych produktów za pomocą mieszadła łopatkowego pracującego na wysokich obrotach.

  • Urządzenie mieszające w kształcie półksiężyca z trzema zaostrzonymi ostrzami (nożami tnącymi)
  • Specjalny napęd o dużej prędkości
  • Dno warstwowe do wszystkich rodzajów powierzchni grzewczych (elektrycznych, gazowych, indukcyjnych).
  • Capacity: 50l/ 100l
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia

The vacuum evaporation unit is specially designed for thickening dense food products in industrial quantities. It can be used to produce thick syrups, caramel masses, dense fruit masses, as well as in the production of pectin, or heat-stable fillings with a high productivity.

  • High performance
  • Rotary spraying system with a powerful electric drive
  • Evaporation in a thin layer with a large heat transfer area
  • Low investment installation costs
  • Tangential entry for product swirling
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Cyrkulacyjna wyparka próżniowa zwykle odnosi się do kombinowanej wersji parownika, która wykorzystuje również inne typy w celu poprawy wydajności parowania, szczególnie poprzez skrócenie czasu zagęszczania i podczas przetwarzania produktów wrażliwych na ciepło, takich jak mleko.

  • Zewnętrzny obieg cyrkulacyjny z ogrzewaniem intensyfikuje cykliczny proces parowania.
  • System wymuszonego obiegu zapewnia zmniejszenie ryzyka miejscowego przegrzania produktu.
  • Skraplacz umożliwia uzyskanie głębokiej próżni i utrzymuje niską temperaturę parowania.
  • Zastosowanie urządzenia mieszającego z systemem natryskowym ułatwia odparowanie produktu w cienkiej warstwie, naśladując parownik filmowy.
  • Heating: Steam
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 2,4
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Linia linii do zagęszczania i zagęszczania została zaprojektowana specjalnie z myślą o przemysłowych zakładach mleczarskich posiadających niewielkie nadwyżki mleka lub mniejszych przedsiębiorstwach zajmujących się przetwórstwem mleka, które chcą poszerzyć swój asortyment produktów. Jego szacowana wydajność wynosi do 50-120 kg/h przy pracy ciągłej.

  • Profesjonalna technologia przemysłowa o kompaktowych wymiarach
  • Duża ilość dodatkowego wyposażenia i opcji do wyboru
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode

The price is indicated for the basic version of the set of equipment with a homogenizer

The equipment for the production of ice cream mixtures is based on a universal vacuum reactor with a coolant jacket and a multi-stage dispersant/homogenizer in an external circulation loop.

  • Special type of a stirring device for easy disassembly and cleaning
  • Processing with minimal product loss
  • The bottom outlet valve is included in the basic version of the installation
  • Multi-stage disperser for intensive wetting and homogenization of the flowing mixture
  • External circulation circuit with a three-way valve for operation/washing of the equipment
  • Reinforced agitator drive for thick and viscous mixtures
  • Built-in vacuum pump
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 100l
  • Total power, kW: 3
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The Bag in Box Filler is designed for filling hot and cold liquids into Bags in Boxes and for Stand Up Pouch packaging.

  • The machine fills the bags up automatically.

The VMG S 650P vacuum homogenizing unit can be used for making toothpaste as well as a variety of similar products with complex production requirements.

  • The vacuum ensures effective air removal, eliminating the conditions for the development of bacteria and other pathogenic organisms.
  • The special shape of the mixing device is tailored for the thickest and most viscous products. 
  • The Ultra Shear submersible homogenizer creates a stable emulsion.
  • The cavitation processes aid in activating hydrodynamic mixing.
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 29
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 650l
  • Total power, kW: 52
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The tubular pasteurizer is typically designed for pasteurizing cream in butter production lines. These pasteurizers are commonly used in dairy processing industrial facilities, especially in butter production and other related sectors.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


Uniwersalny kocioł kuchenny z wbudowanym mikserem, służący do mieszania i gotowania wszelkiego rodzaju potraw, emulsji kosmetycznych, kremów, past cukrowych i wielu innych.

Możesz wysłać nam zapytanie na adres sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Łatwo zdejmowalne, samoregulujące skrobaki teflonowe
  • Czujnik otwarcia pokrywy zapewniający bezpieczną konserwację mieszadła
  • Higieniczny czujnik temperatury produktu
  • Zawór wylotowy o dużej średnicy
  • Bezpieczny wylot pary na górze pokrywy kotła
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/ 0,25
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 50l/ 100l
  • Voltage: 220-230V
  • Wylot, cale : 6/4

This kettle with a radiator cooling system ranging from 30 to 500 liters is ready to cook according to the principle of a water bath.

A modern cooking and mixing device with a wide range of applications in confectionery, bakeries, catering establishments.

Uniwersalny kocioł do gotowania gęstych mieszanek: działa na zasadzie kąpieli wodnej i może być stosowany w cukierniach, piekarniach i innych placówkach gastronomicznych. Oferuje szeroką gamę modeli.

  • Mechaniczny system przechylania do rozładunku
  • Kratka zabezpieczająca napęd mieszalnika
  • Wbudowane ogrzewanie elektryczne do 150 stopni
  • Mobilna konstrukcja wsporcza na kołach
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 30l/ 60l/ 80l/ 120l

Urządzenia do produkcji mleka skondensowanego z mleka wstępnie pasteryzowanego. Urządzenia te mogą być produkowane w modelach o wydajności produkcyjnej do 285 kg/h, istnieje także możliwość dostosowania ich do indywidualnych wymagań.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, prosimy o kontakt: sales@foodtechprocess.com

Cena podana jest bez źródła sprężonego powietrza – kompresora (opcja).

Suszarka atmosferyczna to urządzenie okresowe przeznaczone do usuwania wilgoci i nadmiaru wody z miodu w warunkach próżniowych. Ta instalacja laboratoryjna może być również wykorzystywana do przetwarzania małych ilości miodu bezpośrednio w pasiekach.

  • Duża powierzchnia wymiany ciepła
  • Niska temperatura suszenia dzięki próżni
  • Łatwa obsługa i konserwacja
  • Zewnętrzny obwód wymuszonego obiegu do intensywnego odparowywania
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 100 - 140 kg
  • Total power, kW: 6,5
  • Voltage: 220-230V 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The 5 kw stool-type electric heating stove with a diameter of 40 cm is designed to heat large pots and pans with a volume of up to 100 liters.

For additional information, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 5

Excellent help in the kitchen, which will allow you to combine your experience and creativity with the requirements for an excellent product. Caramel cooker is offered in two volumes, 50 and 100 liters.

For more product information, contact sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/ 0,25
  • Volume: 50l/ 100l

A vacuum deaerator is extensively used in the food industry to remove gases from products that may retain some bubbles post-processing. Additionally, a flow deaerator is utilized to minimize foaming in products, ensuring a denser structure, especially prior to packaging. Vacuum deaerators play a crucial role in eliminating specific odors from the products, such as in the production of juices, purees, and herbal drinks. This process significantly contributes to enhancing the overall quality and taste of the final product.

  • Enhances product quality, structure, and shape
  • Prevents oxidation by removing gases
  • Preserves organoleptic properties and extends the shelf life
  • Suitable for thick and viscous products
  • The flow principle allows for the installation of this equipment in existing production lines
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The screw pump is used for transferring "un-pumpable" products. A great choice for those who work with hard to move liquids and need to move them as quickly as possible.

For more information about the product please contact the sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The device is designed for the pasteurization of a wide range of products in various types of packaging material such as cans and jars. For more information, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Heating: Mixed
  • Capacity: 300 l 400 l 500 l
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Type of the equipment: Single machine

A spiral mixer with a fixed bowl and an electronic control panel. Available in various different capacities.

For more information, please contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Spiral mixer TXF

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The industrial planetary mixer is mainly used in the confectionary industry. Available in three different sizes: 120, 140 and 170 L.

For more information please contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Planetary mixers are primarily used in the confectionary industry. Offered in three different capacities.

For more information, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Planetary mixer MXJ

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ProfiCut is an ideal solution for efficient and economical processing of dressings, sauces, baby food as well as spreads, paté and processed cheese with advanced processing techniques.

For more information, please, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Highly efficient production of a high viscosity pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

The lobe rotary pumps are designed for pumping both liquid and thick products. We offer lobe pumps in 2 versions with 1.5 kW is a standard for milk, cream and similar products, and 3 kW is for dense low-flow products such as honey, pastes, cottage cheese etc. 

For more information, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Rotary lobe pump

1 in stock

Podana cena dotyczy podstawowej wersji agregatu bez dodatkowych opcji.

Kompaktowa jednostka do odparowywania próżniowego, która umożliwia zatężanie roztworów, mieszanin i różnych produktów poprzez odparowanie rozpuszczalnika. Wersja modułowa oparta na podstawowym reaktorze próżniowym 110/100.

  • Mieszanie grawitacyjne – o 25% wydajniejsze
  • Wzmocniona konstrukcja mieszadła bez martwych punktów
  • System usuwania kondensatu i oparów
  • Łatwo demontowane urządzenie mieszające
  • Duża powierzchnia wymiany ciepła: płaszcz na całej wysokości reaktora
  • Możliwość pomiaru i monitorowania objętości kondensatu (opcjonalnie)
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,25
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 100l
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar
  • Duplicator volume: 3l
  • Heat transfer area, m2: 1,05

Atmospheric mixing tank with a duplicator for heating/cooling is designed for preparing, mixing and storing of liquid, gel products. 

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 50l/ 100l/ 300l/ 430l/ 600l/ 1000l/ 1500l

The cooling tank is designed for storing milk and other beverages.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Cooling tank MTL

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Electric heating panel with three different power possibilities: 12, 24 and 48 KW – excellent product manufactured by people who perfectly know the secret of product storage, maintenance and processing.

For more information please email sales@foodtechprocess.com


MP cooker is a reliable and extremely functional solution for cooking, pasteurizing in the same tank thus saving equipment cost, space. All material are most reliable in European market so guarantee a long and trouble free operation

For more information please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

Cooking Kettle MIP

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The plate heat exchanger is designed for cooling/heating and transfer liquid products such as milk, water, juices, syrups etc.

For more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

A vat or cooking kettle for milk is a large container or vessel used for heating and processing milk, typically in dairy production, to pasteurize, cook, or produce various dairy products such as cheese or yogurt.

For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The price depends on the required capacity. For additional information or a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com


The conveyor for transferring empty as well as filled bottles and jars. Widely used within packaging lines for various liquids.

For a price quote or a free consultation, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The homogenization of butter is carried out in order to improve the butter's consistency and taste as well as stability during storage.

For more information on our homogenizers, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


We offer different types of dryers for different products.

For a free consultation, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Drum dryer HADD

1 in stock

The tank is designed for heating and mixing chocolate, butter, margarine, honey and similar products.

For more information or a price quote, send us an email at: sales@foodtechprocess.com

The term "texturizer" refers to periodic equipment designed for the preliminary melting and mixing of both crystallized honey and frozen blocks of fat or oil. This installation combines thermal and mechanical effects on the product and can also function as a feeding device for loading and feeding dense products for further processing.

  • Highly Efficient Combined Processing of Products: Thermal and Mechanical Effects
  • Universal heat carrier source (steam/water).
  • No pump required; the mixing device functions as a screw pump.
  • Large area for laying out the product blocks – ensuring high productivity.
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 400l/ 1000l
  • Total power, kW: 1,1/ 2,2
  • Voltage: 380-400V

The industrial mixing and homogenizing equipment is well-suited for small and medium-sized production enterprises engaged in the processing of food, cosmetics, and various chemicals.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

 For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

This versatile planetary mixer is a professional kitchen equipment used for mixing, kneading, and blending ingredients in various culinary applications. It features a unique mixing action where the beater rotates on its axis while also revolving around the bowl, ensuring thorough and consistent mixing of ingredients.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

 For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com


A cheese kettle is a specialized cooking vat used in cheese making processes to heat and curdle milk, allowing the separation of curds and whey. It provides controlled heating and agitation to facilitate the cheese production process. Working volume up to, l: 300 l.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

The KWS mixing vessel is engineered for versatile operations, including heating, cooling, and mixing of liquid products, with a maximum temperature capability of 60 °C.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com 


Atmospheric cookers ASC are designed for efficient mixing, heating and cooking products for food and cosmetic industries. Volume, l: 100 l.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Atmospheric cookers AC are designed for efficient mixing, heating and cooking products for the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Working volume up to, l: 300 l.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 


Our company offers equipment for whipping honey with a new design which includes gravity mixing. The main advantage of the technique is the ability to produce creamy honey in 4 hours! The device is designed for 450 kg of honey per batch.

For additional information or a quote, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Running of various production processes such as cutting, mixing, crushing, refining and emulsifying different types of product in a single unit.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

The semi-closed separator for purification, normalization and separation of whole milk into cream and skim milk. 

For more information, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

An open-type cream separator with a capacity of 1,000 l/h is designed for continuous separation of whole milk into cream and skim milk. The separator allows the purification of milk from impurities and milk mucus.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

We offer different types of dryers for different products. For a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Drum dryer HADD

1 in stock

Obrotowa maszyna bębnowa cylindryczna przeznaczona jest do suszenia i krystalizacji płynnych i masowatych produktów spożywczych do stanu stałych kryształów.

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, wyślij nam e-mail na adres sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode

We sell many different filling machines for different products. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

This semi-automatic filling machine is used for filling honey as well as other products. We offer many different kinds of filling machines for different applications.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

We offer different types of dairy pasteurizers. Tell us if you are producing cheese, milk, yoghurt or ice cream and we will help you pick the right pasteurizer for you. Email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

MIP Y Pasteurizers are designed for the heat processing of milk, for the production of yoghurt, white cheese (feta), hard cheese, ice cream and many other milk products. For more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Tell us if you are producing cheese, milk, yoghurt or ice cream. The difference between the milk pasteurizer and the yoghurt pasteurizer is that the yoghurt pasteurizer is equipped with a detachable arm with a detachable big stirrer and two half lids. Email us for a free consultation at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

We offer different kind of pumps for different processes. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

We offer a wide variety of different pumps for all kinds of liquids, semi-liquid products in various applications.

If you need any help, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Monoblock pumps with an integrated frequency converter. We offer many different types of pumps, if you need any advice on which pump to choose, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

We sell many different types of cooking equipment, with a mixer or without, tilting cookers, with capacities from 100 - 350 liters.

For more information, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

We offer different types of vacuum evaporation machines, this type is an affordable option for efficient evaporation in a stainless steel unit.

For a price quote and more information, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Stainless steel low-speed rotary pumps with flexible impeller; We offer two versions. On base or trolley. If you need more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

Stainless steel low-speed rotary pumps with flexible impeller; particularly suitable for transfer of delicate, fragile and viscous fluids, also with solid parts in suspension. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Centrifugal pump designed for pumping low viscosity food and aggressive liquids. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Autoclaves are often used in food, chemical or medical applications to perform sterilization. We offer different autoclaves with different capacities.

For more information, please send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The homogenization of butter is carried out in order to improve the butter's consistency and taste stability under storage conditions.

For more information regarding our homogenizers, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Unbeatable price for highest quality material, modern technology, cylinder design. We offer different capacity catering cookers, electric, steam or gas. If you need different capacity, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


Unbeatable price, excellent cooking results, designed to be placed in tight spaces where sharp edges or corners may create problems. We have different capacities boiling cookers. If you require different capacity, please email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

We offer wide range of evaporating equipment for a wide range of products. Price depends on the capacity and product used. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

The NWT PLUS chillers have a compact design. They take little space and are very easy to install and to start. The units are mobile on wheels. We offer different capacities. For more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The water chiller CHWHE consists of a cooling unit in the upper part and a pump plus isolated water tank (made of stainless steel) in the lower section. We offer different capacities. Should you have any questions, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Water Chiller CHWHE

Out of stock

TEPF is a pneumatic dispenser for dosing several kind of products. The machine allows the filling of food, chemical, cosmetic, or pharmaceutical products into diverse type of bottles and jars.

Price depends on the product used. For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

The cooling units have a compact design. They are space-saving and easy to assemble. The chiller in standard version can work at water outlet temperatures from +10°C to +25°C. For more information, send us an email to sales@normit.com 

Water chillers NWT S

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These gas boiling cookers are manufactured for professional kitchens and also for other food processing factories. We offer 100l, 150l, 250l and 300l.


Electric cooking boilers are cooking devices powered by electricity, designed for heating and cooking products intended for consumption. They are intended for use in catering kitchens, school kitchens, professional kitchens and other food processing plants.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Atmospheric cutter mixer with capacity of 150l for medium size production of confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, ready meals, cheese, cream smoothie, vegetable puree. For more information, send us a request. 


Garnek do gotowania na parze umożliwia gotowanie dużych porcji charakterystycznych zup, gulaszy i makaronów, a także gotowanie na parze i półproduktów.

Grinder is used for grinding both fresh meat and food products, such as cheese, fruits. 


The gas cooker is intended for use in the food, hospital, catering industry, in large kitchens for making soups, pots, pasta, milk dishes, teaspoon cooking, stewing meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, frozen or semi-prepared meals, heating or steaming. This cooking equipment is not suitable for roasting or baking.

Gas cooker

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Milk cooler tank designed for cooling milk and other dairy products. The tank is available in 13 different capacities, covering a range from 50 liters all the way up to 2,500 liters, capable of meeting the needs of all dairy & cheese production facilities. We offer 2 or 4 milking options. Prices are displayed for the milk cooling tank with 4 milking.


The Milk Cooler has a simple design, which allows for easy and safe operation. it meets the requirements of all dairy production facilities.

Milk cooling tank

Out of stock

For a price quote, send us a request.


The atmospheric batch cooker model UniCook E or UniCook S, featuring a stirrer, is tailored to meet the diverse cooking needs of various food production businesses in industrial settings.

Podana cena dotyczy podstawowej wersji instalacji bez wytwornicy pary

Kocioł do gotowania Veggie Milk służy jako urządzenie do hydrodynamicznej termicznej ekstrakcji substancji z roślin strączkowych i orzechów w celu stworzenia gotowej zawiesiny – będącej podstawą napojów roślinnych.

  • Wydajna i szybka ekstrakcja
  • Częściowa pasteryzacja poprzez bezpośredni wtrysk pary
  • Homogenizator dolny o dużej mocy
  • Mieszanie hydrodynamiczne
  • Mechaniczne uszczelnienie wału do homogenizatora z otwartym układem chłodzenia
  • Siatka zabezpieczająca na pokrywie luku zapewniająca bezpieczny załadunek produktu
  • Segmentowa klapa z pleksiglasu do kontroli wzrokowej
  • Capacity: 600 kg/h for soybeans
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 120l
  • Total power, kW: 7,5
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Vertical steam generators with horizontal pipes to occupy a compact area. Price on request. 

Steam generators

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Cutters are made entirely from stainless steel and are designed for mincing and mixing processes for refrigerated and frozen food. Prices on request. 


1 in stock

Pasteurizer, cheese boiler is designed for processing milk, yogurt, fruit juice or other liquids. 

The vacuum cutter is intended for large processing enterprises dealing in the confectionery, fruit and vegetable processing industries. They are intended for processing food down to a homogenous mixture with minimal air content.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The AA50 adjustable industrial mixer is designed for efficient, high-performance mixing of liquid, viscous and pasty products, as well as for dispersing dry ingredients (pigments, dyes and other materials) in a liquid medium to obtain highly dispersed suspensions, emulsions and pastes.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


4 Heads vacuum bottle filling machine serves as a professional semi-automatic filling and dosing machine for filling glass bottles with various fluids.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Semi automatic packaging machine for filling and capping jars.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

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Odparowanie próżniowe mleka wydłuża jego okres przydatności do spożycia i zachowuje jego wartości odżywcze poprzez delikatne usuwanie wody pod zmniejszonym ciśnieniem, zachowując smak i jakość.
Wytwarzanie termostabilnych nadzień do przekąsek cukierniczych
Nadzienia termostabilne odgrywają kluczową rolę w produkcji wyrobów cukierniczych, przyczyniając się nie tylko do poszerzenia asortymentu, ale także do podniesienia standardów jakościowych.
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