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Blanchers: Enhancing Food Quality with Precise Thermal Treatment

Blanchers play a vital role in the food industry, serving as a crucial step in preparing a variety of food products. These versatile machines are designed to enhance the quality, safety, and shelf life of food items by subjecting them to precise thermal treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of blanchers, exploring their functions, advantages, and applications in food processing.

Understanding Blanchers

Blanchers, specialized equipment for short-duration thermal treatment of food products, often involve exposure to hot water or steam, followed by rapid cooling using cold water or air. The term "blanching" refers to the process of subjecting food products to boiling or scalding to eliminate undesirable elements such as enzymes, microorganisms, and impurities. By exposing food items to elevated temperatures for a brief period, blanchers achieve several objectives that contribute to the overall quality and safety of the final product.

How Blanchers Operate

Blanchers function based on controlled thermal processing principles. Food products are placed into a blanching chamber, where they interact with hot water or steam. Heat deactivates enzymes that may lead to spoilage, preserves color, and enhances food texture. This is followed by rapid cooling, often through cold water or forced air circulation, to halt the cooking process and preserve desired product characteristics. The controlled blanching process not only ensures product safety but also readies it for subsequent processing stages.

Benefits of Using Blanchers:

  1. Enzyme Inactivation: Blanching prevents the action of enzymes that can result in discoloration, off-flavors, and nutrient loss during storage and subsequent processing.
  2. Improved Texture: Through rapid cooling, blanchers help maintain the desired texture of food products.
  3. Color Preservation: Blanching retains the vibrant colors of fruits and vegetables, enhancing their appeal to consumers.
  4. Microbial Load Reduction: Brief exposure to high temperatures reduces the microbial load on the product's surface, enhancing safety.

Applications of Blanchers:

Blanchers find utility across various segments of the food industry:

  • Fruits and Vegetables: Blanching is crucial in preparing frozen fruits and vegetables, preserving color, texture, and nutritional value.
  • French Fries: Blanching is a critical stage in the production of frozen french fries, preparing them for subsequent frying.
  • Canning: Prior to canning, blanching prepares vegetables by deactivating enzymes that could impact product quality during storage.
  • Nuts: Blanching nuts aids in removing outer skins, enhancing their appearance and flavor.


Blanchers play a significant role in modern food processing, ensuring products reach consumers in optimal conditions in terms of quality, safety, and visual appeal. Their capacity to inactivate enzymes, maintain texture, and enrich color makes them invaluable across various sectors of the food industry. Investing in blanchers empowers food producers to deliver high-quality products and meet consumers' demands for excellence and nutrition.

As a prominent provider of food processing equipment, FoodTechProcess offers a range of state-of-the-art blanchers tailored to diverse industry requirements. Our solutions are crafted to deliver precision, efficiency, and reliability, ensuring your food products stand out in terms of quality and safety.

Used for blanching products in water, it is suitable for processing various vegetables, legumes, grains, mushrooms and other products. This versatile machine also functions as a water separator centrifuge which is activated after the blanching processes.

More information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Capacity: 30l/ 90l
  • Material: Stainless steel

Excellent blancher and cooker for efficient handling of vegetables and other food products.

For a price quote or more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

SnackPro blancher will prepare different types of products making it a great solution for blanching large volumes of fruits and vegetables in a short time. 

For more information and price quote email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The universal bath pasteurizer is used for processing a wide range of different food products, such as ready meals, sausages, hams or liquid products. Effective temperature regulation and a hygienic stainless steel design.

More information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

This multifunctional cooking machine with two baskets is designed for different ways of use and is suitable for a lot of variety of businesses - any enterprise or any participant of the HoReCa market. With the help of this equipment, you can cook, pasteurize, or blanch.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com


This multifunctional cooking machine is designed for different ways of use and is suitable for a lot of variety of businesses - any small enterprise or any participant of the HoReCa market. With the help of this equipment, you can cook, pasteurize, or blanch.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Koszt jest podany bez ceny koszy

Blanszownik okresowy z pośrednim ogrzewaniem elektrycznym lub parowym służy do blanszowania warzyw, grzybów, mięsa, ryb i owoców morza. Ten typ blanszownika idealnie nadaje się do stosowania w kuchniach cateringowych i szpitalach.

  • Proste sterowanie
  • Wbudowane ogrzewanie elektryczne
  • Duży zawór wylotowy
  • Bezpieczna operacja
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 18/ 24/ 30/ 36
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 100l/ 150l/ 200l/ 300l

Cena jest wskazywana za pomocą półautomatycznego panelu sterowania

Czajnik próżniowy przeznaczony jest do stosowania w placówkach gastronomii (restauracje, hotele, firmy cateringowe) oraz małych zakładach produkcyjnych. Urządzenia te umożliwiają gotowanie, blanszowanie, smażenie, odparowywanie, pasteryzację, mieszanie czy mieszanie.

  • Wyjątkowe urządzenie wielofunkcyjne
  • Możliwość gotowania/smażenia w warunkach atmosferycznych lub próżniowych
  • Wersja laboratoryjna frytkownicy próżniowej
  • Wbudowany system kondensacji i wtórnego usuwania pary
  • Intensywne ogrzewanie elektryczne
  • Kosz segmentowy z pokrywką
  • Wbudowany system oddzielania i usuwania nadmiaru płynu z produktu
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 5
  • Volume: 10l
  • Oil volume: 8l
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

Blanchers are used to quickly heat or steam vegetables or fruits, often for the purpose of softening, preserving color, or removing skins before further processing. Geometrical volume 400 l.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com


Price depends on the chosen option. 

Batch blancher BP

Out of stock

Blancher pouring AQ is designed for heat treatment of a wide range of products whose fine structure requires to minimize mechanical influence in the blanching or cooking process. Unlike a drum blancher, in which the product is blanched in a process of single directional mixing and rolling and a screw blancher, in which the product passes through a working chamber by means of a screw, in the belt type blancher the product lies motionless on the conveyor belt and is processed without damaging its surface.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

Blancher pouring AQ

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Pouring Blancher ShowerBlanch is designed for heat treatment of a wide range of products whose fine structure requires to minimize mechanical influence in the blanching or cooking process. Unlike a drum blancher, in which the product is blanched in a process of single directional mixing and rolling and a screw blancher, in which the product passes through a working chamber by means of a screw, in the belt type blancher the product lies motionless on the conveyor belt and is processed without damaging its surface.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

Blancher AQ Deep is designed for heat treatment of a wide range of products whose fine structure requires to minimize mechanical influence in the blanching or cooking process. Unlike a drum blancher, in which the product is blanched in a process of single directional mixing and rolling and a screw blancher, in which the product passes through a working chamber by means of a screw, in the belt type blancher the product lies motionless on the conveyor belt and is processed without damaging its surface.

Price depends on the chosen option. Please email sales@foodtechprocess.com

The automatic screw cooker is designed for cooking or blanching various food products in continuous mode, saving both time and energy during production.

For additional details, contact us at: sales@foodtechprocess.com

We offer many different types of blanchers including continuous models as well as batch blanchers.

For a free consultation, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com


Blanching helps keeping the vitamins and nutritional properties of the product, as well as an outer appearance with bright and natural color. For the price quote and more information about this blancher or any other blanchers, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Blancher CombiBlanch

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Designed for blanching vegetables, fruits, legumes, pasta, seafood before preservation and freezing.

For additional information, contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The VFB vacuum fryer with a built-in blancher is intended for drying and frying a wide range of products as well as for the production of chips and crisps from potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, parsley, beetroot and many other types of fruits, vegetables, and different snacks made out of meat, pork skin and fish.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Unikalny kocioł segmentowy przeznaczony jest do wydajnego gotowania/blanszowania/smażenia szerokiej gamy produktów z późniejszym schładzaniem w celu uniknięcia uszkodzenia ich struktury. Istotnym elementem tej technologii jest wydajna sekcja schładzania, niezbędna do zatrzymania procesu gotowania po rozładunku. Funkcja ta jest również niezbędna przy przetwarzaniu warzyw do stanu „aldente”, kiedy warzywa po obróbce termicznej zachowują swoją strukturę i naturalny kolor. Model ten zapewnia ogrzewanie poprzez bezpośredni wtrysk oczyszczonej pary do sekcji grzewczej (generator pary - opcja).

  • Nadaje się do gotowania produktów o małych rozmiarach
  • Szybkie i intensywne nagrzewanie dzięki bezpośredniemu wtryskowi pary
  • Intensywne hydromieszanie
  • Automatyczny system podnoszenia kosza
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 2x250l/ 3x250l
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Working volume: 2x175l/ 3x175l

Price depends on your production and capacity. 

Heating: electric and steam - combination 


Price depends on the chosen option. 

Rotary blancher BD

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The blancher is primarily intended for blanching lumpy products such as mushrooms and vegetables.

Price depends on the chosen options. 

The blancher is designed for blanching and cooking fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms.

The price depends on the selected options.

The Batch Blancher Cook & Chill is designed for boiling, frying, heating and cooling of a wide range of products.

Price depends on the chosen option. 

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