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Colloïdmolentest – amandelpasta
Onlangs hebben we onze kleinschalige colloïdmolen op amandelen getest.
Vacuum honey creaming unit
The honey creamer began operation at our customer’s production facility.
New video release
A new video showcasing the working process of the twin shaft paddle mixer.
Test results - Vacuum fryer
New video showcasing the results of the tests using our vacuum fryer.
Colloid Mill Test - Oats
The results of a new series of tests conducted on our colloid mill.
New design of the mixing device
We have updated the mixing device of our compact cooking kettle.
A series of tests on our colloid mill
We made creamy nut butter from cashews and hazelnuts using a colloid mill.
Testing our Z SIGMA ARM mixer
We have conducted a new series of tests on the Z SIGMA ARM mixer to make dough for dumplings.
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Pasteuriseerapparaten worden gebruikt om de voedselveiligheid te verhogen door middel van nauwkeurige thermische behandeling

Pasteurisatie, een cruciaal onderdeel van de moderne voedselveiligheid, zorgt voor de vernietiging van schadelijke micro-organismen in voedingsmiddelen met behoud van hun kwaliteit. Pasteuriseerapparaten, gespecialiseerde apparatuur op het gebied van voedselverwerking, spelen een essentiële rol in dit proces. Deze machines maken gebruik van gecontroleerde warmtebehandeling om de houdbaarheid te verlengen en de veiligheid van verschillende producten te verbeteren. In deze uitgebreide gids duiken we in de wereld van pasteuriseerapparaten en onderzoeken we hun functies, voordelen en toepassingen in de voedingsmiddelenindustrie.

De wetenschap van pasteurisatie

Pasteurisatie is een warmtebehandelingsproces dat is ontworpen om pathogene bacteriën, gisten, schimmels en andere micro-organismen in voedsel en dranken te doden of te inactiveren. Het belangrijkste doel is om de microbiële belasting te verminderen zonder de sensorische eigenschappen van het product significant te veranderen. Pasteurisatie is vooral van cruciaal belang voor bederfelijke voedingsmiddelen die langer houdbaar moeten zijn met behoud van hun voedingswaarde en smaak.


Pasteuriseerapparaten maken gebruik van een nauwkeurige temperatuurregeling om de doelstellingen van pasteurisatie te bereiken. Het proces bestaat uit het verhitten van het product tot een specifieke temperatuur en het op die temperatuur houden gedurende een vooraf bepaalde tijd, waardoor schadelijke micro-organismen effectief worden geëlimineerd. Na de behandeling wordt het product snel gekoeld om verdere microbiële groei te stoppen.

Voordelen van pasteurisatie:

  1. Voedselveiligheid: Pasteurisatie zorgt ervoor dat ziekteverwekkers in voedsel worden geneutraliseerd, waardoor het risico op door voedsel overgedragen ziekten afneemt.
  2. Verlengde houdbaarheid: Door bederfveroorzakende micro-organismen te elimineren of te verminderen, verlengt pasteurisatie de houdbaarheid van het product, waardoor minder afval ontstaat.
  3. Behouden voedingswaarde: Pasteurisatie is zacht genoeg om de voedingswaarde van het product te behouden, waardoor het een veiliger alternatief is voor agressievere methoden.
  4. Verbeterde kwaliteit: Gepasteuriseerde producten behouden hun oorspronkelijke smaak, textuur en uiterlijk en voldoen aan de verwachtingen van de consument.

Toepassingen van pasteuriseerapparaten:

Pasteurisatie is essentieel in verschillende voedingssectoren:

  • Zuivel: Pasteurisatie garandeert de veiligheid van melk, room, yoghurt en andere zuivelproducten terwijl de smaak en voedingswaarde behouden blijft.
  • Dranken: Veel sappen, vruchtendranken en zelfs alcoholische dranken ondergaan pasteurisatie om schadelijke micro-organismen te elimineren.
  • Bewerkte voedingsmiddelen: Bereide maaltijden, sauzen en soepen profiteren van pasteurisatie, waardoor ze gedurende langere periodes veiliger kunnen worden geconsumeerd.
  • Eiproducten: Pasteurisatie pakt het risico van salmonella in eiproducten aan zonder de bruikbaarheid in verschillende gerechten aan te tasten.

Zorgen voor veiligheid en kwaliteit van voedsel met VoedingTechProces

FoodTechProcess biedt een reeks geavanceerde pasteurs die zijn ontworpen om te voldoen aan de uiteenlopende behoeften van de industrie. Onze pasteuriseerapparaten combineren precisietechnologie met efficiëntie, waardoor de veiligheid van uw producten wordt gegarandeerd zonder de kwaliteit in gevaar te brengen. Of u nu een zuivelproducent, drankenproducent of voedselverwerker bent, onze pasteurisatie oplossingen zijn ontworpen om uw processen te verbeteren en compromisloze resultaten te leveren. Ervaar de kunst van het beveiligen van voedingsmiddelen met FoodTechProcess.

A compact electric pasteurizer with a heating power of 5 kW is used for long-term batch pasteurization of milk, which consists of bringing milk to a temperature of approximately 63 degrees C and holding it for 30 minutes. The milk pasteurizer can also be used in the form of a Milk pot to heat milk for feeding calves.

  • Stirrer with bottom scrapers that prevents milk from burning when directly heated
  • Visual monitoring of milk pasteurization and heating temperatures
  • Direct electric heating with a 7-speed power switch
  • Hygienic design for simple and easy cleaning
  • Simple system for removing and lifting the top hatch with an agitator
  • No blind spots where bacteria can grow
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,18/ 0,25
  • Heating power, kW: 5
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 50l/ 100l/ 150l
  • Outlet, inches: 6/4

The electric pasteurizer is ideal for the heat treatment of various fruits, including apples, pears, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, elderberries, currants, carrots, greens, quince, beets, sea buckthorn, rowan berries, and onions.

The tubular pasteurizer is typically designed for pasteurizing cream in butter production lines. These pasteurizers are commonly used in dairy processing industrial facilities, especially in butter production and other related sectors.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Beverage Pasteurizer SB 750 refers to chamber types of pasteurizers used to pasteurize bottled beverages.

The device is designed for the pasteurization of a wide range of products in various types of packaging material such as cans and jars.

For more information, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Heating: Mixed
  • Capacity: 300 l 400 l 500 l
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Type of the equipment: Single machine

The universal bath pasteurizer is used for processing a wide range of different food products, such as ready meals, sausages, hams or liquid products. Effective temperature regulation and a hygienic stainless steel design.

More information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

This multifunctional cooking machine with two baskets is designed for different ways of use and is suitable for a lot of variety of businesses - any enterprise or any participant of the HoReCa market. With the help of this equipment, you can cook, pasteurize, or blanch.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

This multifunctional cooking machine is designed to be used in a variety of different ways and is suitable for the majority of professional kitchens and catering businesses - any small enterprise or any participant of the HoReCa market. With the help of this equipment, you can cook, pasteurize, or blanch.

For a price quote, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The plate pasteurizer is designed for partial decrystallization and pasteurization of honey preheated to a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Purchase, or request additional information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

Pasteurizers are used for the heat treatment (pasteurization) of juice before it is filled into bottles, containers or other types of packaging. Its compact, space-saving design and simple operation make it suitable for various production facilities.

For more information contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The professional yogurt making machine is designed to produce a wide range of yogurt production, e.g. creamy, liquid drinking, greek, white, organic, fruit yogurts. The machine can be used by farms and small dairy factories.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

A vat or cooking kettle for milk is a large container or vessel used for heating and processing milk, typically in dairy production, to pasteurize, cook, or produce various dairy products such as cheese or yogurt.

For more information or a free consultation, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The price is indicated with a semi-automatic control panel

The vacuum cooking kettle is designed for use in public catering establishments (restaurants, hotels, catering companies) and small manufacturing businesses. This equipment enables boiling, blanching, frying, evaporation, pasteurization, mixing or stirring.

  • A unique multifunctional device
  • Possibility to cook/fry under atmospheric or vacuum conditions
  • Laboratory version of a Vacuum Fryer
  • Built-in condensation and secondary steam removal system
  • Intense electric heating
  • Sectional basket with a lid
  • Built-in system for separating and removing excess liquid from the product
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 5
  • Volume: 10l
  • Oil volume: 8l
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The price is indicated without the heating and cooling sources

The continuous heat treatment and filtration unit is suitable for processing products of various viscosities, such as honey, jam, baby food, sauces, ketchup, tomato soup and many other products. Depending on the model, it can have a productivity ranging from 250 up to 2000 kg/hour.

  • Universal application for continuous pasteurization
  • Suitable for pasteurization of heat-sensitive products
  • Ideal solution for thick and viscous products
  • For short-term pasteurization followed by cooling
  • Capacity: 250 kg/h/ 500 kg/h/ 1000 kg/h/ 2000 kg/h
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia

We offer different pasteurizers for different applications.

For a price quote or for a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

We offer different types of dairy pasteurizers. Tell us if you are producing cheese, milk, yoghurt or ice cream and we will help you pick the right pasteurizer for you.

Contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


MIP Y Pasteurizers are designed for the thermal processing of milk, for the production of yoghurt, white cheese (feta), hard cheese, ice cream and many other milk products.

For more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com


Tell us if you are producing cheese, milk, yoghurt or ice cream. The difference between the milk pasteurizer and the yoghurt pasteurizer is that the yoghurt pasteurizer is equipped with a detachable arm with a detachable big stirrer and two half lids.

Email us for a free consultation at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Electric pasteurizer suitable for filling of bottles and bag-in-boxes as wellas pasteurizing beverages. We offer 3 production capacities. The pasteurizer comes without the manual BiB filler module.

If you wish to purchase the filler, please send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com

The pasteurizer equipment MGGP is suitable for the heat treatment of low viscosity liquids as well as drinking water.

For more information, send us an email tat sales@foodtechprocess.com


The pasteurization equipment MGGP is suitable for the heat treatment of low viscosity foods as well as drinking water.

If you need more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com


For a price quote or for a free consultation, send us a request.

Juice pasteurizer
7 in stock

Pasteurization dipping tub is suitable for the heat treatment of packaged fruit preparations, (jams, fillings, hams) or fermented preparations (vinegar, beer) and pickles to preserve them, and to eliminate harmful microorganisms.

Pasteurizer for jars
Out of stock

A milk pasteurizer is designed for quick and effective pasteurization of milk, where the heating of the product in the working container is achieved by supplying hot water into the jacket.

  • Special mixing device
  • Large outlet valve at the lowest point of the pasteurizer
  • Insulation of the working container to reduce heat loss during pasteurization
  • Compact installation
  • The control panel is located directly on the unit's body
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 100l/ 300l

We offer many different types of pasteurizers.

Pasteurizer, cheese boiler is designed for processing milk, yogurt, fruit juice or other liquids. 

Vacuum evaporation and concentration of liquid products
Vacuum evaporation of milk enhances its shelf life and preserves its nutritional content by gently removing water under reduced pressure, maintaining flavor and quality.
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