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Colloïdmolentest – amandelpasta
Onlangs hebben we onze kleinschalige colloïdmolen op amandelen getest.
Vacuum honey creaming unit
The honey creamer began operation at our customer’s production facility.
New video release
A new video showcasing the working process of the twin shaft paddle mixer.
Test results - Vacuum fryer
New video showcasing the results of the tests using our vacuum fryer.
Colloid Mill Test - Oats
The results of a new series of tests conducted on our colloid mill.
New design of the mixing device
We have updated the mixing device of our compact cooking kettle.
A series of tests on our colloid mill
We made creamy nut butter from cashews and hazelnuts using a colloid mill.
Testing our Z SIGMA ARM mixer
We have conducted a new series of tests on the Z SIGMA ARM mixer to make dough for dumplings.
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Drogers worden gebruikt om vocht te verwijderen uit vloeistoffen en vaste stoffen voor een betere conservering van het product.

Op het gebied van voedsel- en industriële verwerking zijn drogers essentiële apparaten die een cruciale rol spelen bij het bereiken van het gewenste vochtgehalte in een breed scala aan producten. Deze veelzijdige machines bieden gecontroleerde droogprocessen die de productkwaliteit, houdbaarheid en algehele efficiëntie verbeteren. Deze uitgebreide gids duikt in de wereld van drogers en onderzoekt hun functionaliteit, voordelen en toepassingen in diverse industrieën.

Drogers begrijpen

Drogers, ook wel droogmachines of droogsystemen genoemd, zijn ontworpen om het vochtgehalte van verschillende materialen te verlagen door middel van gecontroleerde verdamping. Ze worden gebruikt om natte of halfnatte materialen om te zetten in droge producten die geschikt zijn voor opslag, transport of verdere verwerking. Drogers worden gebruikt in industrieën variërend van voedselproductie tot chemicaliën, textiel en nog veel meer.

Het droogproces

Het droogproces omvat verschillende belangrijke stappen:

  1. Vochtverdamping: Lucht van hoge temperatuur of andere droogmiddelen komen in contact met het natte materiaal, waardoor het vocht verdampt.
  2. Vochtigheidsregeling: Het droogproces wordt geoptimaliseerd door de vochtigheidsniveaus te beheren om overdroging of ongelijkmatige vochtverwijdering te voorkomen.
  3. Gelijkmatig drogen: Een goede luchtcirculatie en warmteverdeling zorgen voor een gelijkmatige droging van het hele product.
  4. Product Koeling: Na het drogen worden de producten vaak gekoeld om te voorkomen dat er opnieuw vocht wordt opgenomen.

Belangrijkste typen voedseldrogers

  • Convectie drogers: Deze drogers gebruiken hete lucht om vocht te verwijderen uit voedselproducten, waarbij de lucht gelijkmatig circuleert voor efficiënt drogen. Ze worden vaak gebruikt in verschillende toepassingen vanwege hun aanvankelijk betaalbare prijs.
  • Infrarooddrogers: Infrarooddroogkamers bootsen het droogproces in de zon na door het product te doordringen met specifieke golflengtes infraroodstraling. Ze zijn efficiënt in het verwijderen van vocht uit de interne cellen van het product, wat resulteert in snellere droogtijden in vergelijking met convectiedrogers.
  • Condensdrogers: Condensdrogers werken door vocht uit de lucht te condenseren tot een vloeibare toestand met behulp van het warmtepompprincipe. Ze bieden een nauwkeurige controle over het vochtgehalte en zijn bijzonder geschikt voor het drogen van warmtegevoelige producten, met lagere bedrijfskosten in vergelijking met andere methoden.

Infrarood vacuümdrogers zijn een van de meest veelzijdige drogers en zijn ontworpen voor het drogen bij lage temperatuur van een breed scala aan voedingsmiddelen, waaronder groenten, fruit, paddenstoelen, bessen, vlees, vis en nog veel meer, samen met medicinale kruiden, extracten en functionele voedingscomponenten. Deze drogers werken in een diepe vacuümatmosfeer waardoor lagere werktemperaturen mogelijk zijn en maken gebruik van infraroodstraling. Ze bieden een snel en efficiënt droogproces, wat resulteert in eindproducten van topkwaliteit. Dankzij de volledig geautomatiseerde besturing garandeert het droogproces consistentie, terwijl de eindproducten een hoge standaard behouden die vergelijkbaar is met die van sublimatiedroogmethoden, en dat alles tegen aanzienlijk lagere productiekosten.

Voordelen van drogers

  • Verbeterde productkwaliteit: Gecontroleerd drogen minimaliseert het risico op bederf, waardoor de sensorische en voedingskenmerken van het product behouden blijven.
  • Verlengde houdbaarheid: Een lager vochtgehalte remt microbiële groei, waardoor het product langer houdbaar is.
  • Energie-efficiëntie: Moderne drogers bevatten geavanceerde technologieën om het energieverbruik te optimaliseren.
  • Veelzijdigheid: Drogers zijn geschikt voor een breed scala aan materialen, van poeders tot korrels en grotere vaste stoffen.

Toepassingen in verschillende industrieën

Drogers vinden toepassingen in diverse sectoren:

  • Voedingsindustrie: Drogers worden gebruikt om fruit, groenten, granen en andere voedingsmiddelen te verwerken, waardoor de smaak en voedingswaarde behouden blijft.
  • Farmaceutische producten: Drogen is cruciaal in de farmaceutische productie om de stabiliteit en levensduur van medicijnen te garanderen.
  • Chemicaliën: Drogers vergemakkelijken de productie van chemicaliën in poedervorm, pigmenten en katalysatoren.
  • Textiel: Textieldrogers worden gebruikt om vocht te verwijderen uit stoffen en kleding.

Samenwerken met FoodTechProcess voor droogoplossingen

FoodTechProcess biedt een scala aan geavanceerde droogoplossingen om aan verschillende industriële behoeften te voldoen. Onze drogers zijn ontworpen om nauwkeurig en efficiënt te drogen, zodat u een optimale productkwaliteit, -veiligheid en -conservering kunt bereiken.

  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 30
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The unique feature of this vacuum honey evaporator model, distinguishing it from a honey dryer, is its ability to create a deep vacuum with a residual pressure of up to 0.08 Bar during processing! This innovative unit not only allows for quick and efficient drying of honey but also enables the immediate evaporation of water, producing a semi-finished product suitable for the subsequent production of «dry honey» or powdered honey.

  • There is no need to have a large drying surface – an evaporation mirror.
  • There is no need to install a mixing device for thick and viscous products.
  • Low evaporation temperature of moisture – water from honey, at which its quality and medicinal properties are not compromised, and the risk of HMF growth is reduced to almost zero.
  • Fast and efficient dehydration of honey at a low processing temperature.
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Max vacuum: -1 Bar

A vacuum honey dryer is used to dehydrate (remove moisture from) honey at sub-atmospheric pressure.

  • This highly efficient and innovative vacuum drying process guarantees honey drying rates exceeding 1% per hour!
  • The dryer allows for quick and gentle drying of honey at temperatures up to 39°C without increasing hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) levels.
  • Any heat source (hot water, steam) can be used to supply thermal energy to the dryer's jacket.
  • The specially designed mixing device enhances heat transfer within the product, improving its thermal efficiency and significantly reducing drying energy costs.
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

A drying chamber for vegetables and fruits is a specialized enclosure designed to gently remove moisture from produce, preserving its natural flavors and nutrients while extending its shelf life.

  • Type of the equipment: Single machine
  • Weight: 215
  • Area, m2: 14
  • Number of shelves: 40

The vacuum drying oven is ideal for the controlled and rapid drying and heat treatment of heat-sensitive or fragile products, materials and electronic components. Vacuum drying means sensitive samples are not at risk of contamination from suspended solids and the risk of oxidation is significantly reduced.

  • Integrated vacuum system with a high vacuum pump
  • Built-in vapor removal and condensation system
  • Built-in refrigeration machine
  • Shelves with built-in heating
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Volume: 130l
  • Voltage: 380-400V

A circulation-type vacuum evaporator refers to a combined version of an evaporator that also takes advantage of other types to improve evaporation efficiency particularly by reducing concentration time and when processing heat-sensitive products such as milk.

  • The external circulation circuit with heating intensifies the cyclic evaporation process.
  • The forced circulation system ensures a decrease in the risk of localized product overheating.
  • The condenser enables a deep vacuum and maintains a low evaporation temperature.
  • Utilizing a mixing device with a spray system facilitates product evaporation in a thin layer, mimicking a film-type evaporator.
  • Heating: Steam
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 2,4
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Multifunctional vacuum unit MINI5 - is ideal for cooking, drying, concentrating, mixing and much more. Suitable for laboratories and small-scale production.

  • Processing heat-sensitive products at lower temperatures
  • Ideal for making creamed honey
  • Possibility of vacuum drying honey
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,12
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 5l

Fast, sleek, quiet, user-friendly, safe, smooth-running commercial salad dryer, designed to efficiently dry up to 6 Kg.

For more information, send us a request at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Designed for "cold" vacuum drying of products sensitive to high temperatures, also suitable for liquid and viscous products.

For more information contact us at: sales@foodtechprocess.com

The price is indicated without a source of compressed air - compressor (optional).

This is periodic type of equipment designed for removing moisture and excess water from honey under vacuum conditions. This pilot vacuum dryer can be used for processing small volumes of honey directly at apiaries.

  • Drying rate up to 1% per hour! (with a gradual decrease as the concentration increases)
  • Large heat transfer area
  • Low drying temperature thanks to the vacuum
  • Easy operation and maintenance
  • External forced circulation circuit for intense evaporation
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 100 - 140 kg
  • Total power, kW: 6,5
  • Voltage: 220-230V 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The vegetable spin dryer has been designed for drying leafy vegetables rapidly and efficiently, both raw and boiled, prepared in medium-large sized professional kitchens and in food industries.

More information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

The price is set for the basic version, without additional options.

The industrial infrared dryer is suitable for drying a wide range of products: nuts, apples, plums, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, mushrooms, carrots, onions, garlic, herbs, meat, figs, bananas, marshmallows. If additional options are selected, it can also be used for curing and drying whole meat and fish.

  • Compact installation
  • Fast and efficient drying
  • Possibility of selecting individual settings for drying
  • Made entirely out of stainless steel
  • The interior surface of the cabinet has a mirror coating
  • Quiet operation of the installation
  • Low energy consumption per drying cycle
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Operation mode: Mixed
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 7l/ 10l/ 14l
  • Total power, kW: 10/ 15/ 20
  • Area, m2: 3,5/ 5,2/ 6,9
  • Number of shelves: 10/ 15/ 20

A set of hooks for hanging and drying meat and fish. Additional option for the MAK DRYER 7-14.

For more information, please contact: sales@foodtechprocess.com

The price is set for the model with an area of 7 m²

Compact dryer, heat pump powered dehydrator for drying vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, legumes and grains.

  • Energy saving, low consumption model (consumption up to 0.9 kW/h)
  • Possibility of increasing the drying area in this model up to 14 m² (optional)
  • Intensive drying, each section is equipped with a heat pump
  • Automatic drying system control
  • Delicate drying at low temperatures
  • Preservation of most nutrients and the products natural color
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 0,9
  • Voltage: 220-230V
  • Area, m2: 7
  • Number of shelves: 22

A vacuum deaerator is extensively used in the food industry to remove gases from products that may retain some bubbles post-processing. Additionally, a flow deaerator is utilized to minimize foaming in products, ensuring a denser structure, especially prior to packaging. Vacuum deaerators play a crucial role in eliminating specific odors from the products, such as in the production of juices, purees, and herbal drinks. This process significantly contributes to enhancing the overall quality and taste of the final product.

  • Enhances product quality, structure, and shape
  • Prevents oxidation by removing gases
  • Preserves organoleptic properties and extends the shelf life
  • Suitable for thick and viscous products
  • The flow principle allows for the installation of this equipment in existing production lines
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

We offer professional infrared dryers from 8 to 56 trays with a capacity of 200 to 3000 kg/day for vegetables, fruits, tea, herbs, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and other products. The dryers of this type is a turnkey solution based on two technologies - direct infrared and air convection drying.

For more information about the dryer, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

This compact nuts and seeds roaster is ideal for efficiently and evenly processing nuts and seeds to perfection.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

A tilting frying pan with a stirrer and indirect electric heating using thermal oil is designed for processing small batches of raw materials, making it suitable for stewing and frying various foods. The automatic stirring feature enhances the preparation of vegetables, fish, meat, and sauces.

  • Compact model
  • Uniform heating due to the thermal oil
  • Simple controls
  • Electric tilt of the working bowl
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 18
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 140l
  • Total power, kW: 19

We offer different types of dryers for different products. For a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Drum dryer HADD
10 in stock

We offer different types of honey dryers with capacity from 50 kg up to 1000 kg. For a price quote or a free consultation, send us an email at sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Honey dehumidifier
Out of stock

We offer different capacity multi belt dryers and roasting ovens. For a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

We offer different capacity infrared dryers, for a free consultation, send us an email sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Infrared dryer IDU
Out of stock

The cylindrical drum rotary machine is designed for drying and crystallizing liquid and paste food products into solid crystals.

  • Compact tabletop design
  • Automatic knives for cutting the product film
  • Adjustable product layer thickness when applied to the drum
  • Adjustable drum rotation speed to control drying time
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode

This multi layer belt dryer with integrated cooling system works as a dryer and cooler in one installation.

For a price quote or more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Condensation dryer for vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs and other products. The condensation drying method is the most efficient way to dry food with minimal energy consumption. The installation is intended for use in the food industry.

  • entirely made out of food grade stainless steel AISI304
  • polished external coating
  • fully automatic control system
  • 100% insulation without freon (70 mm)

For more information please contact: sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Volume: 250l/ 550l/ 1225l
  • Voltage: 220-230V
  • Number of shelves: 6/ 11/ 22

Smoking and cooking chambers are designed for thermal processing of meat, sausages, poultry, fish and cheese. You can smoke, steam, dry, bake and cool products up to 120 degrees in our chambers. Smoking chambers are made in four types of supply: oil, gas, electricity and steam.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Convective rotary drum dryer for drying granular, loose, bulk materials. It can be used for salt, coffee, various powders, grain, nuts, seeds, fruit/vegetable bagasse, and many other products.

For more information, send us a request. 

Deaerator is used for the removal of air bubbles from the puree. Price depends on the required volume and production capacity.

For more information, send us a request. 

The high quality atmospheric condensate honey dryer is designed specifically for professional honey dehumidification.

The price depends on the options you choose. 

The high quality atmospheric 1500 kg condensate honey dryer is designed specifically for professional honey dehumidification.

Price depends on the chosen option.

Working volume: 1000 l = Honey dose: 1500 kg

Working volume: 2000 l = Honey dose: 3000 kg

The price depends on the chosen option. 

This honey dryer is used for drying and mixing honey, it is a high-performance solution for thoroughly mixing honey while simultaneously removing excess moisture.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Vacuum evaporation and concentration of liquid products
Vacuum evaporation of milk enhances its shelf life and preserves its nutritional content by gently removing water under reduced pressure, maintaining flavor and quality.
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Thermostable fillings play a crucial role in confectionery production, contributing not only to the expansion of your product range but also to the enhancement of quality standards.
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The evolution of food processing technologies has significantly impacted the way we prepare our food. When it comes to mixing and homogenization devices, the plow mixer is particularly valued for...
Industrial dough mixers: the foundation for an ideal confectionery business
Making flawless baked goods and sweets is an art that demands both expertise and cutting-edge technology. Within the realm of confectionery and bakery production, a pivotal tool takes center stage...
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