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Dryers: Precision Drying Solutions for Optimal Product Preservation

In the realm of food and industrial processing, dryers stand as vital equipment that plays a crucial role in achieving the desired moisture content in a wide array of products. These versatile machines offer controlled drying processes that enhance product quality, shelf life, and overall efficiency. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of dryers, exploring their functionality, advantages, and applications across diverse industries.

Understanding Dryers

Dryers, also known as drying machines or drying systems, are designed to reduce the moisture content of various materials through controlled evaporation. They are used to transform wet or semi-wet materials into dry products suitable for storage, transportation, or further processing. Dryers are employed in industries ranging from food production to chemicals, textiles, and beyond.

The Drying Process

The drying process involves several key steps:

  1. Moisture Evaporation: High-temperature air or other drying mediums come into contact with the wet material, leading to moisture evaporation.
  2. Humidity Control: The drying process is optimized by managing humidity levels to prevent over-drying or uneven moisture removal.
  3. Uniform Drying: Proper air circulation and heat distribution ensure consistent drying throughout the product.
  4. Product Cooling: After drying, products are often cooled to prevent moisture reabsorption.

Main types of food dryers

  • Convection Dryers: These dryers use hot air to remove moisture from food products, circulating it evenly for efficient drying. They are commonly utilized in various applications due to their initial price affordability.
  • Infrared Dryers: Infrared drying chambers mimic the sun drying process by penetrating the product with specific wavelengths of infrared radiation. They are efficient at removing moisture from the internal cells of the product, resulting in faster drying times compared to convection dryers.
  • Condensation Dryers: Condensation dryers operate by condensing moisture from the air into a liquid state using the heat pump principle. They offer precise control over moisture content and are particularly suitable for drying heat-sensitive products, with lower operating costs compared to other methods.

Infrared vacuum dryers, being one of the most versatile are engineered for low-temperature drying of a wide range of food products, including vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries, meat, fish, and more, along with medicinal herbs, extracts, and functional food components. Operating within a deep vacuum atmosphere allowing for lower operating temperatures while also utilizing infrared radiation, these dryers offer a swift and efficient drying process, resulting in premium-quality finished products. With fully automated controls, the drying process guarantees consistency, while the finished products maintain a high standard comparable to those achieved with sublimation drying methods, all at significantly reduced production costs.

Advantages of Dryers

  • Enhanced Product Quality: Controlled drying minimizes the risk of degradation, preserving the sensory and nutritional attributes of the product.
  • Extended Shelf Life: Reduced moisture content inhibits microbial growth, increasing product shelf life.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modern dryers incorporate advanced technologies to optimize energy consumption.
  • Versatility: Dryers accommodate a wide range of materials, from powders to granules and larger solids.

Applications Across Industries

Dryers find applications in diverse sectors:

  • Food Industry: Dryers are used to process fruits, vegetables, grains, and other food products, preserving flavor and nutritional value.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Drying is crucial in pharmaceutical production to ensure stability and longevity of medications.
  • Chemicals: Dryers facilitate the production of powdered chemicals, pigments, and catalysts.
  • Textiles: Textile dryers are employed to remove moisture from fabrics and garments.

Partnering with FoodTechProcess for Dryer Solutions

FoodTechProcess offers a range of advanced drying solutions to meet various industry needs. Our dryers are engineered to deliver precise and efficient drying, enabling you to achieve optimal product quality, safety, and preservation.

A drying chamber for vegetables and fruits is a specialized enclosure designed to gently remove moisture from produce, preserving its natural flavors and nutrients while extending its shelf life.

  • Type of the equipment: Single machine
  • Weight: 215
  • Area, m2: 14
  • Number of shelves: 40

Un evaporatore sottovuoto a circolazione si riferisce solitamente a una versione combinata di un evaporatore che sfrutta anche altri tipi per migliorare l'efficienza dell'evaporazione, in particolare riducendo il tempo di concentrazione e durante la lavorazione di prodotti sensibili al calore come il latte.

  • Il circuito di circolazione esterno con riscaldamento intensifica il processo di evaporazione ciclica.
  • Il sistema a circolazione forzata garantisce una diminuzione del rischio di surriscaldamento localizzato del prodotto.
  • Il condensatore consente un vuoto profondo e mantiene una bassa temperatura di evaporazione.
  • L'utilizzo di un dispositivo di miscelazione con un sistema a spruzzo facilita l'evaporazione del prodotto in uno strato sottile, imitando un evaporatore a film.
  • Heating: Steam
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 2,4
  • Voltage: 380-400V

Multifunctional vacuum unit MINI5 - is ideal for cooking, drying, concentrating, mixing and much more. Suitable for laboratories and small-scale production.

  • Processing heat-sensitive products at lower temperatures
  • Ideal for making creamed honey
  • Possibility of vacuum drying honey
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Engine power, kW: 0,12
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 5l

Fast, sleek, quiet, user-friendly, safe, smooth-running commercial salad dryer, designed to efficiently dry up to 6 Kg.

For more information, send us a request at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Designed for "cold" vacuum drying of products sensitive to high temperatures, also suitable for liquid and viscous products.

For more information contact us at: sales@foodtechprocess.com

Il prezzo è indicato senza fonte di aria compressa - compressore (opzionale).

Un essiccatore atmosferico è un tipo di apparecchiatura periodica progettata per rimuovere l'umidità e l'acqua in eccesso dal miele in condizioni di vuoto. Questa installazione di laboratorio può essere utilizzata anche per la lavorazione di piccoli volumi di miele direttamente negli apiari.

  • Ampia area di trasferimento del calore
  • Bassa temperatura di essiccazione grazie al vuoto
  • Funzionamento e manutenzione facili
  • Circuito esterno a circolazione forzata per un'evaporazione intensa
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 100 - 140 kg
  • Total power, kW: 6,5
  • Voltage: 220-230V 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

The vegetable spin dryer has been designed for drying leafy vegetables rapidly and efficiently, both raw and boiled, prepared in medium-large sized professional kitchens and in food industries.

More information: sales@foodtechprocess.com

Il prezzo è fissato per la versione base, senza opzioni aggiuntive.

L'essiccatore industriale a infrarossi è adatto per essiccare un'ampia gamma di prodotti: noci, mele, prugne, fragole, lamponi, mirtilli, funghi, carote, cipolle, aglio, erbe aromatiche, carne, fichi, banane, marshmallow. Se vengono selezionate opzioni aggiuntive, può essere utilizzato anche per stagionare ed essiccare carne e pesce interi.

  • Installazione compatta
  • Asciugatura rapida ed efficiente
  • Possibilità di selezionare impostazioni individuali per l'asciugatura
  • Realizzato interamente in acciaio inossidabile
  • La superficie interna del mobile ha un rivestimento a specchio
  • Funzionamento silenzioso dell'impianto
  • Basso consumo energetico per ciclo di asciugatura
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Operation mode: Mixed
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 7l/ 10l/ 14l
  • Total power, kW: 10/ 15/ 20
  • Area, m2: 3,5/ 5,2/ 6,9
  • Number of shelves: 10/ 15/ 20

Il prezzo è fissato per il modello con una superficie di 7 m²

Essiccatore compatto, alimentato a pompa di calore per essiccare verdure, frutta, bacche, funghi, legumi e cereali.

  • Modello a risparmio energetico e basso consumo (consumo fino a 0,9 kW/h)
  • Possibilità di aumentare la superficie di asciugatura in questo modello fino a 14 m² (opzionale)
  • Asciugatura intensiva, ogni sezione è dotata di pompa di calore
  • Controllo automatico del sistema di asciugatura
  • Asciugatura delicata a basse temperature
  • Conservazione della maggior parte dei nutrienti e del colore naturale dei prodotti
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Total power, kW: 0,9
  • Voltage: 220-230V
  • Area, m2: 7
  • Number of shelves: 22

A vacuum deaerator is extensively used in the food industry to remove gases from products that may retain some bubbles post-processing. Additionally, a flow deaerator is utilized to minimize foaming in products, ensuring a denser structure, especially prior to packaging. Vacuum deaerators play a crucial role in eliminating specific odors from the products, such as in the production of juices, purees, and herbal drinks. This process significantly contributes to enhancing the overall quality and taste of the final product.

  • Enhances product quality, structure, and shape
  • Prevents oxidation by removing gases
  • Preserves organoleptic properties and extends the shelf life
  • Suitable for thick and viscous products
  • The flow principle allows for the installation of this equipment in existing production lines
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Voltage: 380-400V
  • Max vacuum: -0,8 Bar

We offer professional infrared dryers from 8 to 56 trays with a capacity of 200 to 3000 kg/day for vegetables, fruits, tea, herbs, mushrooms, medicinal herbs and other products. The dryers of this type is a turnkey solution based on two technologies - direct infrared and air convection drying.

For more information about the dryer, contact our sales department at sales@foodtechprocess.com

This compact nuts and seeds roaster is ideal for efficiently and evenly processing nuts and seeds to perfection.

For a price quote, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com

Una padella ribaltabile con agitatore e riscaldamento elettrico indiretto con olio diatermico è progettata per la lavorazione di piccole quantità di materie prime, rendendola adatta per stufare e friggere vari cibi. La funzione di agitazione automatica migliora la preparazione di verdure, pesce, carne e salse.

  • Modello compatto
  • Riscaldamento uniforme grazie all'olio diatermico
  • Controlli semplici
  • Inclinazione elettrica della vasca di lavoro
  • Heating: Electricity
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Heating power, kW: 18
  • Principle of operation: Batch mode
  • Country of origin: Slovakia
  • Volume: 140l
  • Total power, kW: 19

We offer different types of dryers for different products. For a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Drum dryer HADD

1 in stock

We offer different types of honey dryers with capacity from 50 kg up to 1000 kg. For a price quote or for a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Honey dehumidifier

Out of stock

We offer different capacity multi belt dryers and roasting ovens. For a free consultation, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 


We offer different capacity infrared dryers, for a free consultation, send us an email sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Infrared dryer IDU

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La macchina rotativa a tamburo cilindrico è progettata per l'essiccazione e la cristallizzazione di prodotti alimentari liquidi e pastosi allo stato di cristalli solidi.

Per ulteriori informazioni, inviaci un'e-mail a sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Principle of operation: Continuous mode

This multi layer belt dryer with integrated cooling system works as a dryer and cooler in one installation.

For a price quote or more information, email us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

Essiccatore a condensazione per verdura, frutta, frutti di bosco, funghi, erbe aromatiche e altri prodotti. Il metodo di essiccazione a condensazione è il modo più efficiente per essiccare gli alimenti con un consumo energetico minimo. L'impianto è destinato all'impiego nell'industria alimentare.

  • interamente realizzato in acciaio inox alimentare AISI304
  • rivestimento esterno lucido
  • sistema di controllo completamente automatico
  • Isolamento al 100% senza freon (70 mm)

Per ulteriori informazioni contattare: sales@foodtechprocess.com

  • Volume: 250l/ 550l/ 1225l
  • Voltage: 220-230V
  • Number of shelves: 6/ 11/ 22

Smoke and cooking Chambers are designed for thermal processing of meat, sausages, poultry, fish and cheese. You can smoke, steam, dry, bake and cool products up to 120 degrees in our chambers. Smoking chambers are made in four types of supply: oil, gas, electricity and steam.

For more information, send us an email to sales@foodtechprocess.com 

Convective rotary drum dryer for drying granular, loose, bulk materials. It can be used for salt, coffee, various powders, grain, nuts, seeds, fruit/vegetable bagasse, and many other products. For more information, send us a request. 

Deaerator is used for the removal of air bubbles from the puree. Price depends on the required volume and production capacity. For more information, send us a request. 

The high quality atmospheric condensate honey dryer is designed specifically for professional honey dehumidification.

The price depends on the options you choose. 

The high quality atmospheric 1500 kg condensate honey dryer is designed specifically for professional honey dehumidification.

Price depends on the chosen option. 

Working volume: 1000 l = Honey dose: 1500 kg

Working volume: 2000 l = Honey dose: 3000 kg

The price depends on the chosen option. 

This honey dryer is used for drying and mixing honey, it is a high-performance solution for thoroughly mixing honey while simultaneously removing excess moisture.

For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com

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