Cooker with cooling C&C 250/175
The stated price does not include the steam generator
The unique sectional cooking kettle is intended for high-performance cooking/blanching/frying of a wide range of products with subsequent cooling to avoid damaging their structure. An essential part of this technology is the efficient cooling section, necessary for halting the cooking process after unloading. This function is also necessary when processing vegetables to the "aldente" state, when vegetables retain their structure and natural color after thermal treatment. This model provides heating by direct injection of purified steam into the heating section (steam generator - option).
- Suitable for cooking small-sized products
- Fast and intense heating due to direct steam injection
- Intensive hydro-stirring
- Automatic basket lifting system
The Cook&Chill kettle is a batch type food cooking system with minimal heat consumption and maximum preservation of nutrients and vitamins present in the products processed at atmospheric pressure. The cooker can have 2 or 3 separate sections with a basket, equipped with an automatic lifting/discharging device.
The cooking and cooling system is used for cooking, blanching and frying the following products:
- The modular design allows you to create a processing system that provides optimal thermal processing all products in the following modes: blanching - cooking - frying and pre-cooling - cooling. If necessary, it is also possible to wash the products in cold or warm water.
- Reinforced automatic lifting of baskets up to an angle of 110 degrees enables quick and convenient unloading of products with minimal losses, even when the basket is full.
- Effective hydrodynamic mixing without the need to install additional mixers.
- Thanks to the hydrodynamic mixing capabilities, the Normit C&C boiler is also suitable for thermal processing of products with a fragile surface structure.
- The standard basket cell size is 3 mm, it is possible to produce baskets with a size of up to 1 mm (option).
- Intensive cooling with water circulation inside the cooling section.
- Fast heating and a maximum heat transfer area to the product, which significantly reduces cooking time.
- Uniform processing ensures that the product inside the basket remains in motion due to hydro-permeation, resulting in even processing from all sides.
- Each section can be equipped with a system of circulation and filtration for the working fluid (option), which allows you to keep the quality of the water/oil stable during processing and reduces the probability of the product sticking to the inner walls or each other.
Basic version:
The device has a modular design. The first section consists of a working vessel with a mesh basket, it can be used for preliminary processing, or as a storage container for continuous operation. This module is usually implemented for 3-section kettles.
Second section - thermal processing: Depending on the required processing mode, it is possible to perform boiling/blanching/frying by substituting the working liquid with water/oil. This section for thermal processing is equipped with a basket lifting device, a direct steam injection heating source (electric heating - option).
The cooling section is equipped with a product basket and a basket lifting device. Depending on the type of processing, the cooling section can cool the product by immersing the basket filled up with the product in cold water after cooking/blanching. Alternatively, it can be equipped with a compressed air cooling system for surface cooling and blowing off excess oil after frying.
Technical requirements:
Source of compressed air 6-10 Bar for pneumatic lifting of the baskets (not included in the price)
- Electric heating
- System of circulation and filtration for each section
- Baskets with a mesh size of 1 mm
- Steam generator
- Compressor for compressed air "quiet"
- Material: Stainless steel
- Country of origin: Slovakia
- Volume: 2x250l/ 3x250l
- Voltage: 380-400V
- Working volume: 2x175l/ 3x175l
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The electric cooker is intended for use in the food, hospital, catering industry, in large kitchens for making soups, broths, pasta, milk dishes, stewing meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms, frozen or semi-prepared meals, heating or steaming. The equipment is not suitable for roasting or baking.
For additional information, please contact us at
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Price depends on the selected options. For more information, please send us a request.
Pokud potřebujete výrobek vařit při nízkých teplotách, abyste lépe zachovali jeho vzhled a výživové vlastnosti, nebo pokud chcete přidat složky citlivé na teplo, doporučujeme použít univerzální kotel TiltCook.
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Cena je uvedena bez gastronádob
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- Kompaktní instalace
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- Bezpečný provoz
- Široká škála aplikací
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- 220-230V
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Díky systému nepřímého ohřevu je tato rychlovarná konvice ideální pro vaření tekutých potravin. Je kompletně vyrobena z nerezové oceli a vybavena praktickým vypouštěcím ventilem.
Další informace získáte na adrese
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Tato profesionální naklápěcí konvice o objemu 550 l je plynová a v profesionální kuchyni je nepostradatelná. Umožňuje snadnou přípravu těch nejchutnějších polévek, vývarů, omáček a krémů. S touto výklopnou verzí si můžete ještě více usnadnit život.
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- Gas
- 500 l
- Stainless steel
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Pro cenovou nabídku nám zašlete e-mail na adresu
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The price is set for the basic version of the installation for making plant milk without a steam generator
The Veggie Milk cooking kettle is used as a unit for hydrodynamic thermal extraction of substances from legumes and nuts to create a finished suspension - the basis of plant based drinks.
- Efficient and fast extraction
- Partial pasteurization due to direct steam injection
- High-powered bottom homogenizer
- Hydrodynamic mixing
- Mechanical shaft seal for the homogenizer with an open cooling system
- Safety grid on the hatch cover for safe product loading
- Sectional plexiglass hatch for visual inspection
- 600 kg/h for soybeans
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 120l
- 7,5
- 380-400V
Široká nabídka gastronomického vybavení pro restaurace, jídelny a všechny druhy stravovacích zařízení.
Cena závisí na zvolené variantě. Napište prosím e-mail