Although plant-based milk alternatives can not replace regular cow's milk (since their composition is quite different), they are very useful nonetheless, as it is rich in vitamins E, B, and it helps to fight high cholesterol levels due to its lack of saturated fats. Almond milk is rich in folate and calcium, while oat milk improves the function of your central nervous system, meanwhile also helping to fight swelling and reducing “bad” cholesterol. Coconut milk helps to compensate for deficiencies in iron, magnesium, copper, and manganese within your diet.

People choose milk alternatives for many different reasons, the most common of which are allergies, intolerances to milk and its ingredients such as lactose, or just following a particular diet based on personal preferences.

Currently, there are several types of alternatives to regular cow's milk available on the market.

The most popular drinks are made from:

  • almonds
  • coconuts
  • oats
  • hemp seeds
  • peas
  • macadamia nuts
  • soybeans
  • cashews
  • rice
  • and many others!

Milk alternatives can also be made out of buckwheat, sesame, walnuts and other types of nuts or seeds.

Expanding horizons beyond dairy

Milk has been central to our diet for a very long time. However, with the growing interest in healthy lifestyles and alternative food sources, there are more and more available options for those who want to avoid traditional animal products. The production of milk from nuts, rice, poppy seeds and other similar products is becoming more and more popular, providing not only variety, but also some health benefits.

A variety of plant milk types: nut milk, rice milk, poppy milk and other types of plant-based dairy alternatives

One of the key features of alternative dairy products is the diversity of their sources. Milk made out of almonds, cashews, coconut and nuts offers a delicate creamy taste with hints of a nutty flavor. Rich in carbohydrates and lactose-free, rice milk is ideal for those looking for a light product. Poppy milk, with its unique taste and rich nutritional composition, opens up new horizons for lovers of unusual flavors.

Production: process and ingredients

The production of milk alternatives from nuts, rice, poppy seeds and similar products begins with the preparation of raw materials. Nuts or rice grains are crushed and subsequently mixed with water in certain proportions. The resulting mixture passes through filters to remove the nut particles. Optionally, natural sweeteners, vanilla or other flavors may be added.

Health benefits

Alternative dairy products made out of nuts, rice, poppy seeds and other ingredients have their own irreplaceable benefits. They are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. They are also free of cholesterol and saturated fats, making them an excellent choice for health conscious people. What's more, dairy alternatives are also suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and people with lactose intolerance.

Nut milk, such as almond milk, serves as a rich source of healthy mono- and poly-unsaturated fats that are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Additionally, it is packed with essential antioxidants such as vitamin E, playing a crucial role in protecting cells from oxidative stress.

Rice milk is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is rich in carbohydrates, which provides energy and improves digestion. Rice milk may also be beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to nuts.

Poppy milk, although less common, contains healthy fats, fibers, and protein. It is also known for its high concentration of antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium.

A healthy and delicious alternative to dairy products

Explore a diverse range of dairy alternatives, created from nuts, rice, poppy seeds, and other natural ingredients, that not only introduce variety into your diet but also offer some health benefits. These alternatives are gaining popularity among those seeking options beyond traditional dairy products.

Whether you follow a specific diet or have unique nutritional preferences, these milk alternatives promise distinctive flavors and health advantages. Don't miss the opportunity to delve into the world of dairy alternatives - add them to your diet for both variety and enhanced well-being.

What equipment is required for the production of plant-based milk?

For the production of alternative types of milk from plant-based ingredients, the following industrial food processing equipment will be needed:

  • Industrial mixers/mills are utilized to grind raw materials, creating a paste from the raw seeds or nuts. This process can be achieved with a high-performance commercial grinder or a mill capable of processing large volumes of raw materials.
  • A centrifuge separates the "milky" liquid from solid residues, allowing for the production of homogeneous milk without sediments.
  • Filters are employed for purifying veggie milk from residues and leftover particles. Various filters, including bag or plate filters, can be used.
  • Mixing vessels are used to combine the plant-based mixture with water and any additional ingredients if necessary.
  • Packaging equipment for the finished plant-based milk into containers such as bottles, bags, or cartons.
  • Sterilizer (if required): For those planning to sell long-term storable plant-based milk, equipment to sterilize the product may be necessary.
  • Testing equipment is essential for analyzing the quality and safety of the product. This includes pH analyzers, viscosity meters, and other tools used at various stages of the production process to control the quality of the final product.