Fillers have been designed and constructed to supply any kind of product in the following industries: food, chemical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry.
The product is introduced through the suction system into the dosing chamber. Once the desired amount has been reached, the piston begins to push the product out through the outlet valve and nozzle.
Depending on the product in which the chamber is filled, different valves can be changed on the machine. On the back of the filler there is a manual control wheel that determines the volume of the product, for this model the range is between 50 and 1300 ml. O-rings and gaskets are manufactured in food grade PTFE and silicone for food products or in PTFE S / steel, FKM or, EPDM for chemicals and cosmetics. All other parts in contact with the product are made of AISI 316 L with stainless steel.
All joints are equipped with a triple clamp as they are used in the pharmaceutical industry. For this reason, the operator does not need any tool for dismantling the cleaner or technical inspection. The sieve and dosing speed can be controlled by 2 air regulators. All our machines are CE certified
The machine is completely pneumatic and needs compressed air 6 bar (we also recommend 80/100 liters air compressor)
Available models and filling ranges:
- 0-38 ml
- 2-100 ml
- 2-260 ml
- 20-680 ml
- 50-1300 ml
- 200-5000 ml
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- Simple control with two operating modes: manual and semi-automatic
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- Optional compressed air compressor available
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Pro více informací nebo cenovou nabídku nám prosím napište na adresu
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- Široký rozsah dávkování od 300 do 2500 ml
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- Vysoká rychlost dávkování
- Možnost práce v manuálním nebo automatickém režimu
- Stainless steel
- Continuous mode
- 300-2500 ml
- 220-230V
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Pro cenovou nabídku nám zašlete e-mail na adresu
The piston-operated pneumatic liquid dispenser is a semi-automatic filler used for dispensing various low viscosity liquids ranging from 10 to 100 ml in volume.
- Compact tabletop installation
- Simple control with two operating modes: manual and semi-automatic
- Suitable for liquid products with low viscosity (from water to oil)
- Optional compressed air compressor available
- Stainless steel
- Mixed
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TEPF je pneumatický dávkovač pro dávkování několika druhů produktů. Zařízení umožňuje plnění potravinářských, chemických, kosmetických nebo farmaceutických výrobků do různých typů lahví a sklenic.
Cena závisí na použitém produktu. Pro více informací nám zašlete e-mail na adresu