Mixer Double Z Sigma Arm
The Z-Sigma Arm paddle mixer is designed for intensive mixing, stirring, kneading and plasticizing products with high and very high viscosity, such as chewing gum base, stiff dough with low water content, toffee mass, soap base, adhesives.
- Double Z-shaped blade
- Very high shear force
- Minimum gap between z blades and the working container
- Independent electric drive for each blade
- Electric tilting for automatic unloading up to 180 degrees
- The mixer is made entirely out of food grade stainless steel AISI304
- Possibility to choose the side of tilting and unloading
The multifunctional Z-shape double blade mixer is widely used in various industries: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and many others, where it is necessary to mix complex, heavy, thick and viscous products with a high degree of homogenization. Mainly, double z mixers are used for kneading thick, stiff dough in the confectionery industry as well as in the production of raw, muesli and protein bars, where it is necessary to obtain a thick, homogeneous mixture of cereals, honey, nuts, dried fruits, fondant and so on.
The Z blade mixer can be used to process and produce products such as:
- Independent drive for each Z-shaped blade with the ability to adjust the speed and direction of rotation. For each type of product it is possible to choose its own mixing diagram; each Z blade shaft can rotate in its own direction and at its own speed.
- The ability to choose the side of product unloading, the control system includes both tilting options up to 180 degrees.
- The control is located directly on the mixer; the basic version provides a semi-automat (semi-automatic control panel) with the possibility of individual settings for each system. As an option, an HMI touch screen with semi-automatic control can be installed on the side of the control panel. The HMI panel can be equipped with a memory module for creating and saving recipes.
- The special shape of the working container in the form of a small Greek letter ω allows for a minimum gap between the walls and the edge of the mixing device blade for highly efficient mixing, including bulk and powder products.
- High degree of safety: lid opening sensors and a working container position sensor, which guarantee safety for operator maintenance.
- Massive supporting structure for the stability of the mixer during operation and reduction of vibration.
- The mixer is made entirely out of food grade stainless steel AISI304; a stainless steel control panel can also be installed as an option.
- Automatic tilting system for the working container, depending on the volume and model, the tilt drive can be electric or hydraulic. Tilting is performed using a joystick mounted on the control panel, up to a maximum tilt angle of 180 degrees.
- Highly economical: mixers with two Z-shaped blades are the optimal choice for both small production and industrial-scale production, as they allow large volumes of product to be efficiently processed in a relatively small area.
- Hygienic design, easy maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
Basic version
The modification of the basic configuration includes a working container suspended on a supporting structure, inside of which special 2 Z-shaped blades, and a mixing device with an independent adjustable electric drive are installed. The working container is equipped with a lid and a control panel. The basic version includes a semi-automatic control panel (semi-automat), which allows you to adjust the direction, speed of rotation of the shafts with z-shaped blades, and automatically tilt the working bowl. In the basic configuration, tilting and unloading can be done in both directions.
Geometric volume, l | Working volume, l | Maximum load, kg |
70 | 50 | 36-50 |
140 | 100 | 70 |
460 | 300 | 200 |
700 | 470 | 250 |
- Control panel with a HMI panel (touch screen)
- Memory module with the ability to save recipes (when ordering the remote control option with an HMI panel)
- Control panel (electrical cabinet) made out of stainless steel
- Material: Stainless steel
- Principle of operation: Batch mode
- Country of origin: Slovakia
- Voltage: 380-400V
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The price depends on the selected modifications and specific options
The plow mixer is often used in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for mixing and saturating powder products with liquid media in order to obtain a high-quality mixture.
- High intensity and quality of mixing, stirring
- Short mixing time and a high productivity
- Guaranteed repeatability and reproducibility of the product batches
- Gentle handling of the product due to the mixing device's special plows
- A large number of options to choose from to fit a specific product type
- Air Purge Seals
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 100l/ 700l/ 1200l/ 1800l
- 380-400V
A professional mixer for the production of mayonnaise, sauces, soups and other homogenized products. The price depends on your production capacity, as well as the technological requirements.
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 100l/ 200l
- 6
The NORMIT drum mixers are designed for thorough mixing for products such as combined feed for animals, infant formulas, baby food, food concentrates and additives, sports supplements and nutrients, coffee, tea, pharmaceuticals and chemical products.
Barrel mixers are used to mix a wide range of loose and granular products in a shipping/barrel container. The available mixer models are suitable for the following volumes:
ConMix 20 - 20-30 liter standard drums with a diameter of 316 mm, adjustable frame structure height
ConMix 75 - 48-65 liter standard barrels with a diameter of 400 mm, adjustable frame structure height
- It is possible to use standard food containers ranging from 20-65 liters
- Easy control via a frequency converter as a stand-alone control panel
- Safe operation thanks to a roll bar with a position sensor
- 0,37/ 0,55/ 1,1
The NDM + drum mixer is designed for thorough mixing while retaining the structure of loose products without dead zones and with relatively low consumption and short mixing time. Made for mixing products such as coffee, tea, nutrients and supplements, baby food and many others.
For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com
Víko s automatickým míchadlem pro nerezové hrnce o průměru 40 cm, vhodné pro objemy 50 a 100 litrů. Automatické míchadlo umožňuje míchat a míchat různé produkty, a to i při tepelném zpracování. Typ míchacího zařízení lze dodatečně zvolit v závislosti na požadovaném procesu.
- Profesionální průmyslový jednofázový motor pro 220-230 V
- Ovládání je umístěno přímo na skříni motoru nebo na kabelu pohonu.
- Snadná a jednoduchá instalace a upevnění víka na pánev
- Vhodné pro standardní 40 cm hrnce o objemu 50 nebo 100 litrů.
- Víko a míchadlo jsou vyrobeny výhradně z nerezové oceli.
- Stainless steel
- 0,18/ 0,25
- Batch mode
- 220-230V
Univerzální varná konvice s vestavěným mixérem, která se používá k vaření a míchání různých potravin, kosmetických emulzí, krémů a mnoha dalších věcí..
Žádost nám můžete zaslat na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
- Snadno odnímatelné samonastavitelné teflonové škrabky
- Senzor otevření víka pro bezpečnou údržbu míchadla
- Hygienický snímač teploty výrobku
- Výstupní ventil s velkým průměrem
- Bezpečný výstup páry na horní straně víka kotle
- Stainless steel
- 0,18/ 0,25
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 20l/ 50l/ 100l/ 150l
- 220-230V
- 6/4
Odpařovací jednotka se používá k odstranění vlhkosti ze sladkých látek zahříváním, čímž se z nich stávají koncentrované sirupy nebo roztoky.
Pro cenovou nabídku nám pošlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
Planetové míchačky se používají především v cukrářském průmyslu. Nabízejí se ve třech různých výkonech.
Pro více informací kontaktujte naše obchodní oddělení na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
Dvoušnekový mixér se dvěma horizontálními hřídeli je určen k intenzivnímu míchání a hnětení těsta, ale i čokolády, pralinek a dalších podobných výrobků se střední nebo vysokou viskozitou.
Pro cenovou nabídku nám zašlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
Tyto bubny na maso jsou určeny k odstraňování vzduchu a nasávání vlhkosti a marinády do masa v podmínkách vakua.
Mlýnek pro kontinuální mletí masa a přísad, jako jsou semena, drobné kosti a chrupavky, které jsou v konečném výrobku nežádoucí.
Pro více informací nám pošlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
Spirálový mixér s pevnou mísou a elektronickým ovládacím panelem. K dispozici v různých výkonnostních variantách.
Pro více informací kontaktujte naše obchodní oddělení na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
The price is set for the basic version of the installation without additional equipment.
The vacuum homogenizer is designed for a wide range of processes such as for the production of mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, confectionery pastes and fillings, liquid or paste like products with a homogeneous structure. It is also suitable for the production of various creams, gels, shampoos and other products in the cosmetic industry.
- Built-in Ultra Shear bottom homogenizer
- Mixing device with movable scrapers
- Tilting version for easy unloading
- Wide range of applications
- Entirely made of food grade stainless steel AISI304/ AISI316 - option
- Compact design
- Lots of additional options to choose from
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 20l/ 50l
- 2,3/ 2,4
- 220-230V
- -0,8 Bar
Vakuový homogenizátor s nakloněnou konstrukcí je určen ke zpracování a výrobě široké škály kapalných, pastovitých a viskózních produktů s různými požadavky na jejich výrobní podmínky a dalších produktů včetně produktů s vysokou viskozitou.
Pro další informace nás prosím kontaktujte na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
Cena je uvedena bez frekvenčního měniče
Dvoušnekové míchadlo pro rychlé a intenzivní míchání, míchání sypkých produktů, jako jsou granule, müsli s různými práškovými přísadami.
- Míchací nože se při důkladném promíchání výrobku opatrně pohybují.
- Režim míchání umožňuje cyklický pohyb výrobku v kruhu.
- Vysoká účinnost míchání díky protiběžnému pohybu 2 hřídelů.
- Kompaktní design
- Možnost instalace škrabek na každý nůž (volitelně)
- Zesílený pohon, lze použít i pro výrobky nasycené vlhkostí.
- Stainless steel
- Continuous mode
- Slovakia
- 500l
- 3
The vacuum homogenizer is designed for whipping mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, confectionery pastes and fillings, condensed milk, jams and marmalades, canned goods, as well as similar liquid or pasty products with a homogeneous structure.
- Homogenizer in an external circulation loop
- Built-in vacuum generation and retention system
- Modular design with numerous options
- Possibility of automatic dosing of ingredients (optional)
- No additional pump required for loading/unloading
- Automatic top cover lifting system
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 650l
- 13,5
- 380-400V
- -0,8 Bar
Komplex zařízení pro výrobu majonézy se skládá z několika zařízení pro automatické dávkování, míchání a získání stabilní emulze.
- Kompaktní design, který nabízí pohodlné a jednoduché ovládání v omezeném prostoru.
- Cenově výhodné řešení pro automatické dávkování bez vysokých nákladů na automatizaci.
- Široká škála dalších modulárních možností.
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 13,5
- 380-400V
The price depends on the selected modifications and specific options
The plow mixer is often used in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for mixing and saturating powder products with liquid media in order to obtain a high-quality mixture.
- High intensity and quality of mixing, stirring
- Short mixing time and a high productivity
- Guaranteed repeatability and reproducibility of the product batches
- Gentle handling of the product due to the mixing device's special plows
- A large number of options to choose from to fit a specific product type
- Air Purge Seals
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 100l/ 700l/ 1200l/ 1800l
- 380-400V
Míchadla jsou pečlivě navržena, zkonstruována a testována pro různé průmyslové aplikace, které vyžadují míchání, disperzní míchání, distribuční míchání a další.
Pro více informací kontaktujte naše obchodní oddělení na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
Barrel mixers are used to mix a wide range of loose and granular products in a shipping/barrel container. The available mixer models are suitable for the following volumes:
ConMix 20 - 20-30 liter standard drums with a diameter of 316 mm, adjustable frame structure height
ConMix 75 - 48-65 liter standard barrels with a diameter of 400 mm, adjustable frame structure height
- It is possible to use standard food containers ranging from 20-65 liters
- Easy control via a frequency converter as a stand-alone control panel
- Safe operation thanks to a roll bar with a position sensor
- 0,37/ 0,55/ 1,1