Drum Mixer NDM +1000
The NDM + drum mixer is designed for thorough mixing while retaining the structure of loose products without dead zones and with relatively low consumption and short mixing time. Made for mixing products such as coffee, tea, nutrients and supplements, baby food and many others.
For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com
The NDM drum mixer is designed for thorough mixing while retaining the structure of loose matter without dead zones and relatively low consumption and short mixing time.
The product is placed in the drum through the handling opening, carefully and gently stirred by rotating the drum. Mixing takes place based on the fact that the product rotates in the drum and rises and falls at a certain angle along its circumference. The mixture is drawn through the same opening but the door is in the lower position.
The shaft which rotates the drum can coincide with the symmetry axis or diagonally, and the drum can take various forms depending on the purpose and nature of the product. Good mixing of the product ensures that the blades are placed inside the drum. The safety of operation is ensured by the SAFETY WALL. When the position of the barrier is changed, the position sensor is activated, which stops the mixer motor and the warning light - the safety barrier - illuminates. The drum mixer can be equipped with a heating, vacuum, vibration, weighing or dosing system.
- Combined feed
- Infant food
- Food concentrates and additives
- Nutrients for athletes
- Coffee, teas
- Pharmaceutical and chemical products
- A homogenous mixture in a very short time
- Minimum power consumption
- Flexibility of mixing
- Intense mixing
- Homogeneous mixture
- Maintaining product properties
- Simple installation
- Quick and easy cleaning thanks to the drum opening
- Low maintenance requirements
- Process for all product types
- All-stainless version
- Also suitable for sensitive product structure
- No friction heat
- Possibility to add a dosing system (injection of aromatics)
- In the case of clusters, it is possible to install the mixer for bending
- Simple operation
- Low noise at work
- Programming the mixer
- The severity of the mixing chamber
- Possibility to add liquid products when mixed
- Set of mobile containers for loading, unloading and transport of mixtures
- Devices for weighing and dispensing products
- Screw mixer for batch unloading of the finished mixture
- El. control panel with touch screen
- PLC control
- Duplicator for heating / cooling
- Making a vacuum timer
- Light and sound signaling
- Vibration system
- Shaft in the form of a tube for the delivery of various gases, additive fluids
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The price depends on the selected modifications and specific options
The plow mixer is often used in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for mixing and saturating powder products with liquid media in order to obtain a high-quality mixture.
- High intensity and quality of mixing, stirring
- Short mixing time and a high productivity
- Guaranteed repeatability and reproducibility of the product batches
- Gentle handling of the product due to the mixing device's special plows
- A large number of options to choose from to fit a specific product type
- Air Purge Seals
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 100l/ 700l/ 1200l/ 1800l
- 380-400V
A professional mixer for the production of mayonnaise, sauces, soups and other homogenized products. The price depends on your production capacity, as well as the technological requirements.
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 100l/ 200l
- 6
The NORMIT drum mixers are designed for thorough mixing for products such as combined feed for animals, infant formulas, baby food, food concentrates and additives, sports supplements and nutrients, coffee, tea, pharmaceuticals and chemical products.
Barrel mixers are used to mix a wide range of loose and granular products in a shipping/barrel container. The available mixer models are suitable for the following volumes:
ConMix 20 - 20-30 liter standard drums with a diameter of 316 mm, adjustable frame structure height
ConMix 75 - 48-65 liter standard barrels with a diameter of 400 mm, adjustable frame structure height
- It is possible to use standard food containers ranging from 20-65 liters
- Easy control via a frequency converter as a stand-alone control panel
- Safe operation thanks to a roll bar with a position sensor
- 0,37/ 0,55/ 1,1
Suitable for mixing a small amount of dough or meat as well as other thick media.
Varné konvice řady Economy se skládají ze silnostěnné nádoby z nerezové oceli s elektrickým mixérem umístěným na horním krytu s rychloupínáním. Instalace umožňuje míchat a promíchávat produkty během zpracování. Silné dno nádoby umožňuje její instalaci na všechny typy ohřevných ploch (plynový, indukční nebo elektrický sporák).
Verze Economy se doporučuje pro použití s převážně tekutými produkty; pokud je nutné zpracovávat husté a viskózní produkty, nabízíme verzi Prémiová verze varné konvice.
- Sendvičové dno (vícevrstvé) pro použití na všech typech varných desek, včetně indukčních.
- Rychle uvolnitelné víko s elektrickým míchadlem
- Bezpečnostní mřížka pod horním poklopem trupu - bezpečná manipulace při míchání
- Možnost vizuální kontroly přes bezpečnostní mřížku během zpracování
- Bezpečné nakládání komponent i během míchání
- Stainless steel
- 0,12
- 20l/ 50l/ 100l/ 150l
- 220-230V
The mixer is designed for mixing large quantities of dough as well as meat mixtures.
The AA50 adjustable industrial mixer is designed for efficient, high-performance mixing of liquid, viscous and pasty products, as well as for dispersing dry ingredients (pigments, dyes and other materials) in a liquid medium to obtain highly dispersed suspensions, emulsions and pastes.
For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com
The vacuum homogenizer is designed for whipping mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, confectionery pastes and fillings, condensed milk, jams and marmalades, canned goods, as well as similar liquid or pasty products with a homogeneous structure.
- Homogenizer in an external circulation loop
- Built-in vacuum generation and retention system
- Modular design with numerous options
- Possibility of automatic dosing of ingredients (optional)
- No additional pump required for loading/unloading
- Automatic top cover lifting system
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 650l
- 13,5
- 380-400V
- -0,8 Bar
Máselnice o objemu 50 l a užitném objemu 25 l pro tradiční výrobu másla ze smetany.
Pro více informací kontaktujte naše obchodní oddělení na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
Mlýnek pro kontinuální mletí masa a přísad, jako jsou semena, drobné kosti a chrupavky, které jsou v konečném výrobku nežádoucí.
Pro více informací nám pošlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
Laboratorní vakuový mixér je určen k rovnoměrnému mletí, emulgaci a míchání potravinářských, kosmetických a farmaceutických výrobků, chemických směsí s přídavkem oleje, barviv, koncentrátů nebo tekutých aromat.
Suitable for mixing a small amount of dough or meat as well as other thick media.
Round cooking boiling pan combines together the advantages of cooking with automatic mixing. Designed for catering industry, school kitchens, restaurant kitchens or food industry. Capacity ranges from 100l to 500l. The available heating options are - steam boiling or indirect electric heating.
Průmyslové šrotovníky jsou k dispozici ve dvou výkonnostních variantách. Jednoduchá výroba másla.
Pro více informací kontaktujte naše obchodní oddělení na adrese sales@foodtechprocess.com
Mixér na těstoviny SIPM o objemu 10 litrů je určen pro středně velké komerční provozy, ideální pro středně velké restaurace k výrobě všech druhů těstovin, jako jsou špagety, těstoviny taglia, cannelloni, makaróny, conchiglie, rigatoni, penne a mnoho dalších. Cena zahrnuje kráječ na těstoviny.
Pro více informací nám pošlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
Tento všestranný planetární mixér je profesionální kuchyňské zařízení, které se používá k míchání, hnětení a mixování přísad v různých kulinářských aplikacích. Vyznačuje se jedinečným způsobem míchání, kdy se šlehací metla otáčí kolem své osy a zároveň rotuje kolem mísy, což zajišťuje důkladné a konzistentní promíchání přísad.
Pro cenovou nabídku nám pošlete e-mail na adresu sales@foodtechprocess.com
A vacuum diffuser is a device used in the food industry to remove oxygen from a product under vacuum conditions, primarily employed for enhancing the preservation of food by reducing oxidation and extending shelf life.
For additional information, please contact us at sales@foodtechprocess.com
The price is set for the basic version of the installation without additional equipment.
The vacuum homogenizer is designed for a wide range of processes such as for the production of mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces, confectionery pastes and fillings, liquid or paste like products with a homogeneous structure. It is also suitable for the production of various creams, gels, shampoos and other products in the cosmetic industry.
- Built-in Ultra Shear bottom homogenizer
- Mixing device with movable scrapers
- Tilting version for easy unloading
- Wide range of applications
- Entirely made of food grade stainless steel AISI304/ AISI316 - option
- Compact design
- Lots of additional options to choose from
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 20l/ 50l
- 2,3/ 2,4
- 220-230V
- -0,8 Bar
Komplex zařízení pro výrobu majonézy se skládá z několika zařízení pro automatické dávkování, míchání a získání stabilní emulze.
- Kompaktní design, který nabízí pohodlné a jednoduché ovládání v omezeném prostoru.
- Cenově výhodné řešení pro automatické dávkování bez vysokých nákladů na automatizaci.
- Široká škála dalších modulárních možností.
- Stainless steel
- Batch mode
- Slovakia
- 13,5
- 380-400V